Sinobear on news Office Craziness in China (Part 1)(20 comments)
Entertaining read Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Parents Need Not Apply(21 comments)
Good advice. It's just that a lot of schools have a "take it or leave it" mentality and don't continue communication once they find out I have kids. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Parents Need Not Apply(21 comments)
That's true. It's just that I'm already in a backwater and I want a place more cosmopolitan for my kids. The irony is that I want to repatriate, but it's not possible to go for interviews when you're not there. Catch-22 all around. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Parents Need Not Apply(21 comments)
Not an option for me. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Parents Need Not Apply(21 comments)
BTW: I write Blog posts from time-to-time. I never expect to have them resurface as articles. If you had a family to support, the above would be of interest to you. If not, why bother even reading it? Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Parents Need Not Apply(21 comments)
I never said that I wanted more money, I was making the point that the tuition should be more equitable compared to the salary. Comparing the situation of the locals is not logical, either. The issue here is not whether someone has or doesn't have children, it's about the possibility of employing a teacher long-term ... Full Comment>>
Sinobear on Sinobear 's blog Parents Need Not Apply(9 comments)
25.5K/mo based on a CDN dollar exchange rate. Most positions were very well paid, with full benefits. Another example, during the time I first came to China and for a few years thereafter, even kindergartens were advertising at 20K/mo. Supply/demand started the downward trend until it is what it is today...stagnant ... Full Comment>>
Sinobear on thabet_sava 's blog Simplifying the Art of English Writing(3 comments)
So sorry, but obviously, you have no idea what academic writing is about. The worst thing in China is to try and undo the damage that has been done beforehand by those unqualified to teach. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news France to Add 9 More Visa Centers in China to Accompany a 40% Increase in Demand(1 comments)
(With apologies to Dr. Monkey): I guess since France is considered the home of rudeness and arrogance it is natural for so many Chinese to be going there to take lessons. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Take the Plunge: Everything You Need to Know about Scuba Diving in China(13 comments)
Some other places to get lessons? As silverbutton1 mentioned, prices? A nice concept for an article but missing the whole "Everything you need to know..." part. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news 3 Things You May Wish You Knew Before Coming to China(7 comments)
More Spam endorsed by ECC! Full Comment>>
Sinobear on apartmentrent 's blog Sichuan Cuisine(2 comments)
And we should trust someone who rips off other people's work? What the hell is going on with ECC letting the copy/paste rip-off artists post this crap? Full Comment>>
Sinobear on apartmentrent 's blog Local Dishes Restaurants in Suzhou(2 comments)
Nice copy/paste job and copyright infringement. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on chineseschools 's blog The Most Magic Drinks in China - Hot Water!!!(4 comments)
Oh, ECC is openly allowing advertising and copy/pasta on the Blogs whilst rejecting 'normal' users entries 'just because...' Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Colombian Beauty Queen Faces Death Penalty for Drug Smuggling in Guangzhou (8 comments)
Go figure! Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news How to Lose Your Chinese Colleagues in 7 Days(26 comments)
I think the article was pretty much tongue-in-cheek. I've witnessed a lot of FOBs with a heightened sense of entitlement so I can understand where the author was coming from. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news China to Train Five Thousand Football Coaches(11 comments)
You could add 5400 'real' teachers to teach the youth something useful, but hey, more teams to lose at soccer and increase the amount of people who deride China worldwide is cool, too. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on Sairaab 's blog Current English job situation, in non-English speaking countries.(2 comments)
"Sour grapes" - read destinyeric's diatribe and understand the market in China before heading to the wailing wall. A "truly" educated person would completely research a country prior to making the jump to living and working there. If you know the cards are stacked against you, and you still ... Full Comment>>
Sinobear on Sairaab 's blog My first experience with Chinese people, here, in China. (9 comments)
I am sure you and 'botbonnie' are certified, but certainly not in IELTS! Full Comment>>
Sinobear on jdredd1 's blog Can we open the parents eyes?(9 comments)
You also need to understand English better! What's with the lowercase 'i' and 'there' instead of 'their'? Oh, wait, this was a joke right? Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news KFC Sues Chinese Firms Over 8-Legged Chicken Rumor (5 comments)
Not only is that rumor incredibly old, it has been debunked for ages: Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Quzhou Man Set Up By Online Date, Tied to a Tree and Robbed by Thugs (20 comments)
Wu was supposed to woo her, but she got the Wang instead. Wang got jumped and stumped then pumped. I think it was an inside job - the Wu Tang Clan just wronged the Wang guy (and barked up the Wang tree for money). Full Comment>>
Sinobear on kitesurfchina 's blog Zen and the Art of Kitesurfing (Hainan Island)(2 comments)
Cool free advertisement. Full Comment>>
Sinobear on Jennifer_geng 's blog Things you don't know about Chinese!(3 comments)
Another cool cut-and-paste job, Bro, Full Comment>>
Sinobear on news Are Chinese Students Actually the World’s Best Critical Thinkers?(12 comments)
The "study" is not going to be published until next year and the author states that the findings are only "preliminary." Also this: "Eric X. Li, a venture capitalist in Shanghai who helped finance the Stanford study..." Full Comment>>