Jun 23, 2015 15:42Blogs : jdredd1 commented on jdredd1 's blog Can we open the parents eyes?
Thank you for your observation and advice. I understand English and I understand grammar. My typing is not always best and I still overlook some errors when I proof my work. art of being human. You still fail to see the 'steak' because you spend too much time watching the "peas and carrots'. English schools in ... Full Comment>>
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Jun 15, 2015 14:28Blogs : jdredd1 Posted a new blog Can we open the parents eyes?
How can we, as teachers, get the parents to open there eyes? I have traveled to China for several years, Married a wonderful chinese lady, and even teach here. I have tried to understand sthe culture of China and my wife has tried her best to help me with this. The thing i still do not understand is the sheer number ...
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Jun 15, 2015 13:13Articles : jdredd1 commented on news When to Hold Your Tongue: The Importance of Respecting “Face”
I do understand one thing about Chinese parents. They will look (most) for any opportunity to extort money from foreign teachers/workers and will look for ways to make themselves look important. I have a teacher friend who corrected a little emperor in his class. The child was disruptive in class but this day he ... Full Comment>>
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Jun 15, 2015 13:05Articles : jdredd1 commented on news Fined & Shamed: Foreign Teacher Who Threw 5 Year-Old in Pool Pays the Price
Let me start with this: No one should ever hurt a child. Rather east or west!!! I do not know hat went on in this story other than what was stated in the article. Neither does anyone else commenting. But we are all free to give our view or opinion. I do understand one thing about Chinese parents. They will look ... Full Comment>>
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Jun 03, 2015 18:45Blogs : jdredd1 commented on thabet_sava 's blog Suggestions to Enhance Chinese Students’ English skills
This is a very good article!!! I agree 110% I attempted similar to this with a high school class I was teaching. Some students actually tried what I was asking. Others complained to their parents who complained to the school master who complained to me. I was told that this was not according to Chinese culture and I ... Full Comment>>
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Jun 03, 2015 17:52Articles : jdredd1 commented on news How to Recognize a “Face Job” When Applying for Jobs in China
You want to know if it is a "face job" or not..... Take a position teaching and then give an honest assessment of the students or correct a "little emperor". You will then know that teachers (Most schools, not all) are not hired to teach but to keep parents happy and to generate money for the school. There is a ... Full Comment>>
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