  • I live inGuangzhou
  • NationalityAustralia
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I'm experienced in teaching all age groups, from kindergarten to high school level.

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Jul 19, 2024 10:21

Articles : adb2014 commented on news The Importance of Respecting “Face” as a Foreign Teacher in China

While we're expected to smile at Chinese staff and parents and give nothing but compliments, foreign teachers (that I know of, at least) are regularly getting slapped, kicked, pinched, groped, punched and pushed by students, some who call out 'you're s**t', 'you are SB' and/or f**k you!' during class. They feel they ... Full Comment>>

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Jun 10, 2024 21:18

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 5 Things Foreigners in China Shouldn’t Do

I'm fine with treating locals with dignity and giving them face. They could also help by not saying childish things like 'hellooo, how are you?' every time I walk past. Respect has to go both ways. Full Comment>>

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Feb 24, 2024 17:03

Blogs : adb2014 commented on adb2014 's blog The Reality of Raising Kids in China.

Really? We were there recently and I came away reinforced in my belief that it's a very safe and tolerant country. Full Comment>>

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Jan 13, 2024 09:22

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 4 Strange Things that Might Happen in a Job Interview in China

Good article and very helpful! Full Comment>>

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Dec 13, 2023 14:28

Articles : adb2014 commented on news My Worst Expat Colleagues as an ESL Teacher in China

Ah, back in the days when Baidu images showed mostly porn pics until it was cleaned up. Full Comment>>

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Nov 22, 2023 16:59

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 5 Ways to Live Local and Save Money as an Expat in China

As someone who has lived in China for 15 years, II have some alterrnative suggestions: 1. Stop buying premium brand coffee (Luckin, Starbucks). Family Mart, C-Ctore, 7-11 and a number of independent cafes sell similar tasting coffee at a fraction of their prices. 2. Stop buying alcohol; but if you must have some, ... Full Comment>>

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Dec 13, 2022 20:53

Blogs : adb2014 commented on adb2014 's blog The Reality of Raising Kids in China.

Thanks for the positive comments, and apologies for the article shown as one giant paragraph -that honestly was not how I submitted it. Full Comment>>

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Dec 13, 2022 16:35

Articles : adb2014 commented on news How to Avoid the Bad Western Restaurant Experience in China

The first and most obvious sign would be somewhere that LOOKS like a Western restaurant but is clearly a knock-off. Remember OFC with Obama's face instead of Colonel Sanders? Full Comment>>

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Nov 10, 2022 10:09

Articles : adb2014 commented on news An Lesson in Chinese Education

AN lesson? Some razor-sharp editing there, echinacities! Full Comment>>

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Jun 08, 2021 13:17

Articles : adb2014 commented on news China Considers Removing English from Compulsory Education

I see it as the result of rampart nationalism rather than laziness. Kids are being brainwashed into believing that China is the centre of the world and all things Western (including English) is unneccessary and evil. When I came to China, public kindergartens were able to teach English and celebrate Western holidays ... Full Comment>>

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Jun 08, 2021 12:54

Articles : adb2014 commented on news China Considers Removing English from Compulsory Education

To be honest, I don't think it would make a lot of difference. I've spent a lot of time teaching in public schools and with the exception of some, both teachers and students tolerate rather than enjoy English class.Why constantly force something on them that they really don't want? Let the specialised schools and ... Full Comment>>

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May 27, 2021 12:39

Blogs : adb2014 Posted a new blog Mixed Kids in Public Chinese Schools - Our Experience So Far.

He created quite a fuss on his first day. Being a Chinese public school where students with non-Chinese features are in a very small minority, my oldest son attracted quite a lot of pointing, stares and excited questions from both students and teachers. You see, I’m in a small minority of foreigners (At least that ...

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Oct 10, 2020 13:37

Articles : adb2014 commented on news How Foreign Students and Workers in China Get Special Treatment

What seems to be overlooked is that the 'special treatment' here is nothing out of the ordinary in Western countries who, honestly speaking, are much more developed than most of China. No one from the US, UK or Australia in their right mind would take a difficult exam just to go to a Chinese university where they ... Full Comment>>

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Oct 10, 2020 13:30

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 4 Ways to Spot Job Scams in China

There would be a lot less teachers working illegally if it didn't take so long to get a visa. Even if you're changing jobs while already in China, there's still a 2-3 month wait until the new work visa is ready. In the meantime, you have bills to pay, rent due and in some cases, kids to raise and your new employer ... Full Comment>>

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May 16, 2020 14:55

Articles : adb2014 commented on news How Can China Remedy its Post-Coronavirus Reputation?

The lack of PPEs when the virus broke, plus the initial denial and cover-ups proves that China learned absolutely nothing from the SARS virus. There was clearly no plan in place to prevent something like that from ever happening again. It seems they just went right back to their old habits and crossed their fingers, ... Full Comment>>

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May 10, 2020 13:14

Articles : adb2014 commented on news How Can China Remedy its Post-Coronavirus Reputation?

Um, how about by not starting any more pandemics/epidemics? In this century alone, we've had SARS, bird flu and now COVID-19, all originating in China. With this sort of record, I don't really blame anyone for being angry at them. What I would like to see happen is for China NOT to go back to their old habits. There ... Full Comment>>

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May 04, 2020 13:58

Articles : adb2014 commented on news Foreigners Breaking Corona Rules Could be ‘Deported and Banned for 10 Years’

If China insists of labeling foreigners as guests, they surely have a responsibility to make them comfortable and treat them with basic courtesy. For example, when people visit your home, you won't insult them, refuse them food or drink or make special house rules designed to embarrass them, would you? Yelling ... Full Comment>>

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Mar 18, 2020 15:13

Articles : adb2014 commented on news Some Schools Reopen in China as Coronavirus Spread Slows

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the schools in Guangdong open again very soon. Full Comment>>

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Mar 14, 2020 14:57

Articles : adb2014 commented on news Majority of Beijing Expats Working from Home due to Coronavirus

I'm sure they have access to all the first and even second-tier cities. But we only seem to get reports on BJ and SH, because news outlets just (seem to) assume that most foreigners live there. I live in GZ and it can be frustrating trying to get reliable news and updates for my area. Full Comment>>

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Mar 11, 2020 09:08

Articles : adb2014 commented on news Majority of Beijing Expats Working from Home due to Coronavirus

People working from home has been common knowledge for a while now. And why focus only on people in Beijing or Shanghai? Full Comment>>

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Feb 25, 2020 16:23

Articles : adb2014 commented on news Renewing Visas, Residence Permits During China’s Coronavirus Epidemic

Very useful article. I've also been wondering how new arrivals in China register at police stations while they're closed. Are foreigners even able to take up new positions in provinces on lockdown? A follow-up article addressing this would be very useful. Full Comment>>

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Feb 18, 2020 14:39

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 5 Tips for Foreigners Visiting their Partner’s Hometown for Chinese New Year

Thank God none of this applied to me when I met my wife's family for the first time. And what sort of person brags to other families about how much money their kids give them? Forget proud, relying on my kids for financial support is something I'd be too embarrassed to talk about with others. What pathetic people. Full Comment>>

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Feb 14, 2020 16:54

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 6 China Roommates Nobody Wants to Live With

Well, that was boring. Giving some real-life examples of housemates from hell would have made the article much more interesting. Full Comment>>

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Feb 12, 2020 08:40

Articles : adb2014 commented on news Rights of China Employees During Extended CNY Holiday

Why would this be relevant to an expat site? And can we have more articles that are relevant for all expats, not just those who live in Beijing or Shanghai? Full Comment>>

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Feb 11, 2020 23:05

Articles : adb2014 commented on news 5 Bad Habits to Avoid Picking Up as an Expat in China

6) Constantly slamming this site and its rubbish articles - yet coming back regularly to read and comment on every article. Full Comment>>

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