murphy903 on news Eleven Myanmar Men Caught Without Proper Immigration Papers in Nanjing (6 comments)

Aug 19,2016 23:17 comment|72924|59666

And this is news in China? We likely have several thousand people a day coming into the U.S. illegally. Many of them are Chinese. It's so common here, we wouldn't think of reporting it. Full Comment>>

murphy903 on news E-Bike Riding Foreigner Crashes into Local, Makes News for Not Being Respectful(21 comments)

Nov 26,2013 10:30 comment|41570|59666

Foreigners can be crazy. Yes, I know. I am a foreigner and I know. They can be really crazy. So I stay with my Chinese friends. I stay away from foreigners. Seriously. Full Comment>>

murphy903 on news Gallup Poll Reveals Chinese Employees are Most Undedicated in Asia(17 comments)

Nov 26,2013 07:00 comment|41564|59666

Likewise, even as a foreigner, it has been my experience that many employers are not dedicated to their workers. They exploit them given the opportunity. In the English education field, I've found that most employers expect and almost encourage turnover. They take an attitude towards the employee of, "You do ... Full Comment>>