rainee on news Networking in Shenzhen: What’s Out There?(3 comments)

Jun 12,2014 15:38 comment|47413|9733

Shenzhener's have less Guanxi to rely on so the social networking is more popular. It's also because southern people are smarter, more passionate and more willing to go outdoors to meet friends which might be useful to their achievement, which is their only purpose to stay at Shenzhen. Full Comment>>

rainee on news Pengyou, Pengyou: Seeking the Help of Chinese Friends(3 comments)

Jan 08,2013 18:55 comment|34878|9733

Most people here are struggling for a 'better' living, especially the young, thus they make friend with certain purposes instead of enjoying leisure or casual time. The quote 'a friend in need is a friend indeed' has an alternative explanation here. Those upper class or people who have less living pressure are not ... Full Comment>>


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