Koltenuka on news Why Can't China Attract Foreign Professionals? (52 comments)

Apr 14,2015 11:59 comment|58561|90591

I don't think they actually care about the party ideology, as wumaos tend to be fairly well educated. It seems like it is just a job for them. Full Comment>>

Koltenuka on Eragon 's blog Right to teach English(9 comments)

Apr 10,2014 22:08 comment|45242|90591

you may not realize that companies are currently unable to provide visas to teachers who do not have a passport form an English speaking country. If you are looking for 1 on 1 tutoring it may be possible, but you need to find a way to get your visa secured first. Full Comment>>

Koltenuka on news The Pains of Moving: Tips on How to Find a Hassle-free Apartment (10 comments)

Jun 23,2012 01:07 comment|28876|90591

It is worth noting that although having to go through an agency sucks, it is much safer than going through the landlord. If something breaks in the apartment for any reason the landlord is not responsible. You have to fix it yourself unless you went through an agent. There was an electrical fire in my friend's ... Full Comment>>


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