edit2403 on news Foreign Swimmer Loses Cool, Chucks Child Aside(15 comments)

Jul 10,2015 09:06 comment|62765|81506

This story is completely fabricated. I've seen this image before. The image for this story is the CCTV footage displayed on someone's computer screen. The date is faked. The incident happened years ago and was apparently settled with a payout to the family (If you can believe any of the reported facts). This is what ... Full Comment>>

edit2403 on news Xi’an Parents Ask for 100,000 Dowry, Australian Parents Say “No Way!”(42 comments)

Dec 26,2014 22:44 comment|53821|81506

Some pretty silly comments among these. Look, requiring such payments before marriage from the husband's family is quite the norm across China. There's nothing abnormal or morally grubby about the wife's family raising the issue; it's just how marriages are done here (and how it used to be done in Western marriages ... Full Comment>>

edit2403 on Rivercrab 's blog Useful Note on Chinese Drinking Culture(7 comments)

Jan 26,2014 11:27 comment|43354|81506

Alcohol, misinterpreted signs, different sexual orientation, and culture gap is a recipe for disaster. I know 罚酒, but this does not excuse the gay from drinking YOUR drinks and being unfriendly about it. However, you were annoyed, not in danger, and it was a mistake to start getting physical. Fist fighting is a ... Full Comment>>

edit2403 on news Chinese Woman Can’t Divorce American Husband Until She Finds Him (14 comments)

Jan 20,2014 17:46 comment|43188|81506

The story sounds like complete bollocks. Don't discount the possibility that it is entirely fabricated. There are provisions within Chinese law for divorce on the grounds of abandonment. You've always gotta take stories coming out of news.sina.com (as with many Chinese news outlets)as fluffy entertainment pieces. Full Comment>>

edit2403 on expatlife26 's blog How I Moved on From Teaching (And Why You Should Too!)(125 comments)

Dec 11,2013 15:23 comment|42021|81506

I really took on board what you had to say here. I'm not in ESL, but am working in an fairly limited job with a Chinese company. Your article sits uncomfortably with me but I recognize the truth in it. I also appreciate the fact that you don't wipe the floor with the people you're addressing. It is intelligent and ... Full Comment>>

edit2403 on news Netizens Favor Chinese Woman in New Alleged ‘Good Samaritan Scam’(27 comments)

Dec 05,2013 16:11 comment|41841|81506

The footage doesn't lie man. The foreigner was clearly and unequivocally at fault; the woman was not. Clearly, she is neither a cheat nor a liar nor exploiting the situation. He then acted like a knob and slandered the poor woman. So it's not a case of ethical rocket science: The dude must be apologetic and pay for ... Full Comment>>


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