gratefulmurray on news 5 Guilty Pleasures in China Expats Secretly Enjoy(37 comments)

May 21,2013 21:23 comment|37418|80148

Great article! Very funny. Smoking: I would bet it is more with smoking than anything, smokers spit to get the flem out. Massages: Great, love it. Will miss being able to get an affordable massage in America. Pushing: Funny, obviously exaggerating about knocking down old ladies, chill out people. Pecking Order: ... Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news How to Survive an Overnight Train Trip in China(33 comments)

Mar 19,2012 07:32 comment|25515|80148

I feel like the Andrea has ridden the train one time before and wrote an article about her one trip. I have taken the train several times and the only time I had a bad experience was when I bought my ticket at the last minute in the train station during National Holiday. My friend had to be back the next day for ... Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news A Marriage of Convenience: Why China’s Gays are Marrying Straight(67 comments)

Mar 18,2012 03:15 comment|25475|80148

why do you care do much to about judging gay people as being immoral. Do you have any family or friends that are gay? Its not just about proving that you are right by making comparisons to incest, its not incest. its not rape.. its homosexuality.. they are different.... You and others who share this kind of opinion ... Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news A Marriage of Convenience: Why China’s Gays are Marrying Straight(67 comments)

Mar 17,2012 23:48 comment|25468|80148

fine then, let me give you a rebuttal. rape and pedophiea is forced upon a person without their consent, therefore you take away their rights of choice, dignity, and liberty. homosexual sex between two adults that is consentual does not take away anyone rights and force is not used upon another person. Everyone is ... Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news A Marriage of Convenience: Why China’s Gays are Marrying Straight(67 comments)

Mar 17,2012 23:38 comment|25467|80148

the flaw in your argument is that you neglect the idea of consent. If two adults both consent to have sex because they want to, that is their choice and their morality reflexes that, if someone rapes another person or a child, there is no consent. it is forced unwilling upon another person and takes away their ... Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news A Marriage of Convenience: Why China’s Gays are Marrying Straight(67 comments)

Mar 17,2012 00:12 comment|25406|80148

Here in Chengdu, everyday I see lesbian and gay couples on the street. Society here is rather accepting of homosexuality in general, parents just don't want their children to be gay because they want to continue their family lineage and have grandchildren. This is where the one child policy comes into play. I have ... Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news Good, Wholesome Fun: Family Friendly Activities in Chengdu(5 comments)

Mar 09,2012 02:39 comment|25193|80148

I would love if Chengdu amusement parks had some real rollercoasters, but then again I don't know if I would trust it. Does the Ocean Park have rides also? Full Comment>>

gratefulmurray on news The Sardine Box: Guide to Chengdu’s Bus System(10 comments)

Mar 09,2012 02:32 comment|25192|80148

I always take the bus around Chengdu; my day is not complete without getting squeezed from all sides by anxious bus riders. I recommend everyone gets a bus card, you never have to worry about making sure you have change and if you transfer buses, you don't pay extra with a bus card. I always forget to recharge at ... Full Comment>>


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