saqibmudabbar on news Income Survey Shows Expats in China Earn Most(9 comments)

Aug 21,2015 13:07 comment|64134|64895

He edited the article. before it said per month. Full Comment>>

saqibmudabbar on news Income Survey Shows Expats in China Earn Most(9 comments)

Oct 28,2014 09:46 comment|52107|64895

What kind of job offers more than 300,000RMB per month; let alone 300,000USD?!!! Please post in the jobs section!!!!!! Rubbish article. Full Comment>>

saqibmudabbar on Coffaholic 's blog The Weirdest Chinese Snacks I’m Addicted to(7 comments)

Jul 22,2013 14:42 comment|39118|64895

Did anyone of you tried Skin Egg(Pi2Dan4皮蛋)?It's an egg that looks really really weird something like yellowish green but tastes kinda like a normal egg. Its an egg cooked in NaOH. I wonder what difference do they find in the egg other than the colour like algae. Full Comment>>


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