Croquantes on news Only the Patient Expat Shall Pass: Rites of Passage in China(35 comments)

Jun 02,2013 21:15 comment|37823|61345

I was afraid of using a squat toilet at first, but after using one I became a big fan of them.. Everything just slides out without any effort at all! Only thing I don't like is that my legs die if I have to spend more than a few minutes squatting. Full Comment>>

Croquantes on news 5 Guilty Pleasures in China Expats Secretly Enjoy(37 comments)

May 22,2013 05:53 comment|37422|61345

Oh YES. I admit to secretly indulging in pushing. There's a variety of them, the gentle push with a shopping cart to nudge people out of the way, the full body push squirm when someone tries to butt in front you in line, and the ramming speed push when people try and board/swarm a subway door before you're even ... Full Comment>>

Croquantes on news Beijing Supermarket Sells Pears That Resemble Suffocating Babies(3 comments)

Mar 13,2013 15:37 comment|36099|61345

Huh? I've seen these before but they were called "Buddha Pears". I agree that they are creepy. Full Comment>>


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