MrTibbles on hi2u 's blog Traditional Chinese Medicine – A Scientific Explanation(18 comments)

Nov 17,2014 01:18 comment|52643|56786

Wow, this is just insane. Look, if you use modern research techniques, yes you might find that 2000 years of trial and error TCM practices have some results, and they may work even deeper on a molecular level AS ALL CHEMICALS DO. But, and this is incredibly important: There is NO WAY IN HELL that 2000 years ago ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Can China Really Eclipse the US as the World’s Top Superpower?(17 comments)

Aug 13,2013 18:24 comment|39599|56786

This whole argument is funny. Look, the USA is going to become the world's largest oil exporting country by about 2015-2017, so the US economy is set to explode. When Americans are paying $1.50/4 liters of gasoline and the industry returns there (plastic manufacturing, new oil jobs, etc.) there is no way China could ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Meet Regenovo, the 3D Printer from Hangzhou Who Might Make Your Next Liver(2 comments)

Aug 09,2013 20:08 comment|39520|56786

Wow! More technology copied from the US! Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Chinese People’s English Names – Is There a Method to the Madness?(43 comments)

Aug 05,2013 18:27 comment|39403|56786

If you are introduced to someone, surname Li (pinyin: Lì) without getting to see the character in their name, is it 郦, 酈, 栗, 厉, 厲, 莉, or 利? These are all pronounced exactly the same, with the same tone. I am not an inexperienced westerner, I'm stating a very valid point. You can, and I have, meet different ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Danger on the Dance Floor: Dealing with Trouble at Chinese Bars(19 comments)

Jul 23,2013 17:55 comment|39140|56786

This wouldn't be an issue if Chinese "men" were men and could actually have a fight one on one instead of with 8-10 of their friends so they don't lose face. Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news World Opinion Poll Shows People Think China Will be No.1 Economic Superpower(2 comments)

Jul 20,2013 09:15 comment|39098|56786

All of these speculations are based on "if China maintains it's double digit growth rate for the next XXX years, and the US economy stays exactly the same... China will be #1 by 2020." China already hasn't been maintaining double digits, and the US is growing, aided by more manufacturing returning there. ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Chinese People’s English Names – Is There a Method to the Madness?(43 comments)

May 31,2013 10:41 comment|37745|56786

70% of the people in China use the same 45 surnames. Then, there is a list of the 50 most popular names - which are fairly common. I'm sure you've met a Zhang Wei - I've met like 20 at least. Never met that many John Smiths. I work with a Li Wei, a Liu Wei, Liao Wei, and Wang Fei and Wang Fei (different characters ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Chinese People’s English Names – Is There a Method to the Madness?(43 comments)

May 30,2013 16:48 comment|37716|56786

The main issue about Chinese names is that there are fairly FEW of them. I worked at a company that had 3 people with the exact same name, right down to the characters, that were not related. In Chinese, people just added "da, xiao, and zhong" to differentiate them by age - but the xiao guy was pretty big, ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Ancient Noodles and Culinary Rulers- A History of Chinese Food (14 comments)

Feb 04,2013 09:37 comment|35444|56786

"This also negated the need for expensive cutting knives at the dinner table; chopsticks would suffice." This is incorrect. Knives were never laid out on a table as it would provide a weapon to your "guest", and also, due to Confucianism, a knife disrupts the harmony of the dining experience (he ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news 3 Traditional Chinese Therapies to Keep You Healthy(17 comments)

Feb 01,2013 10:37 comment|35398|56786

None of these are proven to do anything. "Cupping" covers your body in giant hickies, "scraping" is a joke, and a heavy beat you down massage is just that: a massage. No human being has the power to break molecular bonds in muscles to "remove toxins" with their bare hands. This stuff is ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Official Chinese Public Holiday Calendar for 2013(9 comments)

Nov 25,2012 20:01 comment|34032|56786

Welcome to China. Idiocy at its finest! If you need to work to make up holidays, well then, they're not really holidays, are they? My favorite is when they try to promote them as "paid holidays". Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Shanghai’s Taxis Ranked 4th in World(2 comments)

Nov 08,2012 00:58 comment|33434|56786

Obviously they only counted the new Expo taxis and not the rest of them... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news 6 Tips for Navigating the Chinese Supermarket(33 comments)

Nov 01,2012 21:16 comment|33228|56786

The issue with beef here in China is that it's often fresh and not aged like in most western countries. This is why it's not as flavorful and tough. When you buy from a local market, the cow was probably slaughtered that day or maybe a day or 2 before (if they have refrigeration). This is also why most Chinese ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news 5 Things in China That May Soon Disappear(17 comments)

Aug 31,2012 08:25 comment|30891|56786

Funniest post I read all day. Thanks for the laugh. Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Workplace Face Off: Chinese vs. Foreign Employees(71 comments)

May 17,2012 22:43 comment|27745|56786

Make a true comment, it gets deleted. Screw this site. Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Workplace Face Off: Chinese vs. Foreign Employees(71 comments)

May 17,2012 19:46 comment|27730|56786

Local talent? It's not about job competency, it's about the fact that Chinese companies can now only hire foreigners if there is a specific reason why a Chinese person can't do that job. It's not even actually about pay. Sure if a foreigner makes 10,000rmb a month and a local 3,000 - big deal. The company would have ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news First Impressions: What Chinese Netizens Think of Other Countries (Part 1)(23 comments)

Feb 01,2012 11:50 comment|24058|56786

I would love to see the same survey given out to see what Chinese impressions of China are. Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Man-Made Suffering: The Status of Animal Rights in China(26 comments)

Nov 15,2011 20:39 comment|21875|56786

The problem is not many animals in China are killed humanely. Especially dogs and cats, which is why there is a bad reputation. "Production animals" like pigs, sheep, cows, chickens, etc are killed pretty quickly simply because it's more cost effective. It's the attitude of "beating the crap out of ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Google in China, a High Stakes Game(7 comments)

Nov 12,2011 22:05 comment|21714|56786

I always love it how these crappy Chinese companies like Baidu, which is a fraud search engine that is only good for finding poor quality MP3s, think they can compete on the world market simply because their domestic competition is removed. The first page of Baidu results is all paid ad space, so good luck ever ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news What to Wear? Deciding China’s “National Dress”(16 comments)

Oct 26,2011 20:22 comment|21101|56786

The author left out the most important and ACTUAL modern Chinese "National Dress". For men: Rolled up shirt exposing the stomach; In Shanghai - pajamas For women: Those really awful looking ankle height pantyhose socks worn with shorts, dresses, or anything. Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Help Thy Neighbour: Explaining Civic Apathy in China(61 comments)

Oct 21,2011 14:50 comment|20884|56786

So if you were hit by a car, your Chinese "friends" would run away because they don't want or are afraid of financial woes? Somehow making a phone call and saying "a little girl was hit by a car" makes you responsible for the act? Strangely, I've called 119 before to report something and it ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Help Thy Neighbour: Explaining Civic Apathy in China(61 comments)

Oct 19,2011 21:20 comment|20796|56786

This article, and others I've read like it trying to "explain social apathy" in China are really annoying. Trying to justify cowardice, cruelty, and being inhuman because of financial concerns. Because that's what it is. NOTHING stopped any of those people that passed by from dialing 119 or telling a shop ... Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Turning to the Dark Side: Public Rage in China(49 comments)

Sep 28,2011 00:32 comment|20093|56786

Kim, you do realize that your comment basically says "It's ok for Chinese to be racist and foreigners just need to deal with it." How about no? Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Turning to the Dark Side: Public Rage in China(49 comments)

Sep 28,2011 00:30 comment|20091|56786

And most Chinese just simply NEED TO GET OVER IT. Full Comment>>

MrTibbles on news Illogical or Tactical? Lies in Chinese Culture(23 comments)

Sep 15,2011 22:29 comment|19675|56786

Vivid example: When a Chinese person opens their mouth - especially when they say something like "no problem", "of course", "that costs XXXXrmb", or "It will be done tomorrow". Full Comment>>


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