Mateusz on ossey7 's blog An African English teacher in China (35 comments)

Jan 31,2015 21:08 comment|55266|48324

"In China foreigners who are white are referred to as 'wai gou ren' while foreigners who are black are refered to as 'hei ren.' It hurts to be reminded all the time of one's skin colour and the fact that one is a foreigner here. *Imagine if people started calling chinese people "Yellows" or ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Convict Runs Con from Jail Cell Blackmails Police Officer’s Wife for Sex(7 comments)

Jan 22,2015 20:47 comment|54978|48324

Actually, I kinda believe they won't be a threat. I mean, even if they send a bomber to attack Taiwan (or wherever), it's more than likely to fail the mission after the copilot opens the cockpit canopy to get fresh air. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Convict Runs Con from Jail Cell Blackmails Police Officer’s Wife for Sex(7 comments)

Jan 22,2015 20:44 comment|54977|48324

What do you expect from a guy named "Wang Dong"? Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Single, Alone and Still Picky: Most Women Will Only Marry Men with a House (44 comments)

Jan 15,2015 21:51 comment|54689|48324

"In addition, both men and women feel that both sides should have a steady income." Yeah, men and women both believe in equality, and both sides should contribute equally. Except, you know, the man should be the one to spend his money on a home (that she'll live in too) and a car (that she'll also use), ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Former Xinhua Reporter Apologizes, Admits he Fell for April Fools Prank(5 comments)

Jan 07,2015 05:35 comment|54214|48324

I'm kinda disappointed in the Wall Street Journal for acting like the guy actually existed in the first place, and reporting on him like he was a real person, rather than a Party creation. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Uber the Top? One US Company is Trying to Take China’s Taxi Industry by Storm(10 comments)

Dec 29,2014 21:57 comment|53908|48324

Don't forget how Uber will be denounced as a harmful foreign influence that hurts the feelings of the Chinese people. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Xi’an Parents Ask for 100,000 Dowry, Australian Parents Say “No Way!”(42 comments)

Dec 25,2014 20:00 comment|53771|48324

Probably not. Is the man her property when her family pays a dowry? Full Comment>>

Mateusz on DumpsterDiver 's blog Being Black in China: A Student's unique perspective(13 comments)

Dec 23,2014 07:50 comment|53690|48324

Try not assuming that Asia belongs to just one race. There are whites who are Asian. It's not like being black (or white) is mutually exclusive with being Asian. Also, being yellow (assuming that's what you mean by "Asian") in Asia might have some disadvantages, like not getting to be seen as ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Of Love and Money: Disagreeing About Finances in Chinese-Expat Couples(44 comments)

Dec 14,2014 20:51 comment|53477|48324

People are free to be shallow and callous arseholes to each other, using them for sex/money... just that they shouldn't. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Of Love and Money: Disagreeing About Finances in Chinese-Expat Couples(44 comments)

Dec 14,2014 20:48 comment|53476|48324

Gouxiong: Because "my standards" are otherwise known as "treating people as human beings"... I didn't realize it was so terrible to hope people live according to basic human decency and empathy. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Executive Leads Double Life as Spider Man Thief(7 comments)

Dec 14,2014 14:17 comment|53472|48324

Technically, he would be closer to a double life as Venom thief than Spider-Man. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Of Love and Money: Disagreeing About Finances in Chinese-Expat Couples(44 comments)

Dec 14,2014 09:11 comment|53467|48324

Hey, Guy. Psst... your racism is showing. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Of Love and Money: Disagreeing About Finances in Chinese-Expat Couples(44 comments)

Dec 14,2014 09:10 comment|53466|48324

So, if a guy is with a girl for ten years, using her for sex, but then dumps her the minute he can find a younger, more attractive girl, then you'd have no issue, right? It's his choice, and not at all shallow or callous? Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Beijing Dog Market Raided and Shut Down(17 comments)

Dec 05,2014 08:28 comment|53212|48324

So I guess that's also why He made humans out of delicious meat too. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on adb2014 's blog Queuing in China - a True Cultural Experience(9 comments)

Dec 05,2014 08:25 comment|53211|48324

I still wait in line, and demand that others do too (I've told Chinese on more than one occasion to get back in line when they tried to push ahead). I do realize that it's just a small drop in the bucket, but still, I'd rather be part of a solution than part of the problem. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on adb2014 's blog Queuing in China - a True Cultural Experience(9 comments)

Dec 05,2014 08:24 comment|53210|48324

Exactly! When Chinese smoke indoors, and Westerners complain, it's "This is China. Everybody does it." When Chinese litter, same thing. "This is China. Everybody does it." When Chinese treat the sidewalks like public toilets, and when they push and shove, it's the same response. When a Westerner ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news An Anxious Beijing to Departing Expats: “Please Stay, Guests from Far Away.”(59 comments)

Dec 04,2014 20:36 comment|53197|48324

No, you weren't. You were making an attempt, but failed. You think you know so much about what I love, and my preferences, yet, fail to grasp the basics of words. I'll try to simplify it again for you. "Laowai" is a racial slur, as it is not in relation to countries. If it was, then Chinese people would ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news An Anxious Beijing to Departing Expats: “Please Stay, Guests from Far Away.”(59 comments)

Dec 04,2014 10:48 comment|53176|48324

Theoretically it could, but it's not. It's used regardless of "foreigner" (in the sense of nationality), and instead, based on looks. Whenever I've seen Chinese people use the word, they always have used it when seeing a person's physical appearance, never asking to see their passport first. Also, when ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Burning Many Bridges: Beijing Shop Bans Chinese Customers(27 comments)

Dec 02,2014 09:59 comment|53088|48324

Nope, don't need a dictionary (I already have several). In this case, if the one who made the policy was Chinese, then it would be having strong national feelings for another country. An American can have negative views about other Americans, and very positive views about Germans, for example. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news An Anxious Beijing to Departing Expats: “Please Stay, Guests from Far Away.”(59 comments)

Dec 02,2014 08:20 comment|53082|48324

Facepalmingly ignorant. If you want people to stay, you might want to actually understand them. Non-Chinese are not all members of an amorphous, homogenous group, all from the same country (waiguo), with the same interests, cultural background, and views. Refusal to allow integration into society, due to entrenched ... Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Burning Many Bridges: Beijing Shop Bans Chinese Customers(27 comments)

Dec 02,2014 05:32 comment|53077|48324

In the strictest sense, it is very nationalistic, as it's based on nationality. It's possible to discriminate against your own nationality much like you can discriminate against your own race. It's not common, but possible. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Man Robs Bank With Knife, Teller Asks Him to Wait and Queue(17 comments)

Nov 29,2014 11:53 comment|52979|48324

Could be bad translation, or could be that the person in that photo wasn't the bank teller who was interacting with the robber... hard to tell. Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Burning Many Bridges: Beijing Shop Bans Chinese Customers(27 comments)

Nov 29,2014 11:48 comment|52978|48324

Blatent racism? Against which race (there are 56 ethnic groups officially recognized as "Chinese")? It's a ban on Chinese customers, regardless of race. If they said "No Han allowed" or "Yellow people not allowed", then yes, that would be racist, but "No Chinese" is not ... Full Comment>>

China has driving standards? Full Comment>>

Mateusz on news Dingy Love Hotels near Wuhan Universities (7 comments)

Nov 19,2014 10:06 comment|52723|48324

What's shady is the sanitation level. Consider the amount of people using the rooms over a given time, and then the low prices (meaning less money to pay the cleaning staff). What's the chance that the rooms, and beds, are given a thorough cleaning after each use? I sympathize with young couples (or just couples who ... Full Comment>>

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