Nov 09, 2014 09:58(Guangzhou) In Pulse : pheonix33 commented on news Guangzhou ‘Five Vehicle Bans’ To Improve Traffic Situation
WHAT A JOKE" ! ~ it just shows how backward China is in SO MANY WAYS ! The real fact is that "any IDIOT can purchase a motor bike" ( and "90% them of these riders DON'T have a licence, or are not required to have 'one ) or show that they can operate a motorcycle with safety. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE RIDDEN A 'PUSH BIKE ... Full Comment>>
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Nov 09, 2014 09:51(Guangzhou) In Pulse : pheonix33 commented on news Guangzhou ‘Five Vehicle Bans’ To Improve Traffic Situation
WHAT A JOKE" ! ~ it just shows how backward China is in SO MANY WAYS ! The real fact is that "any IDIOT can purchase a motor bike" ( and "90% them of these riders DON'T have a licence, or are not required to have 'one ) or show that they can operate a motorcycle with safety. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE RIDDEN A 'PUSH BIKE ... Full Comment>>
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