Tarzan on news From Gambler to Call Girl: Guo Meimei Confession Reveals New Scandals(21 comments)

Aug 13,2014 12:52 comment|49575|293793

This girl is not only a fraud but an ugly and devious one as well. Somehow in twisted Chinese society she has become a role model for young girls looking for a fast life, easy money, and fleeting fame - of any kind or flavor. In most societies around the world she would be a disgrace. In China she is just typical of ... Full Comment>>

Tarzan on hadleyj09 's blog A (RANT-ish) Blog: Teaching in China(33 comments)

Jul 01,2014 12:50 comment|48020|293793

I agree with Sorrel. Even if you want to teach and do your best at it, the schools with Chinese principals only seem to want "entertainers" who keep the kids and mothers happy and enrolled at their school. This is why you see well-qualified older teachers with education degrees being passed over in favor ... Full Comment>>


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