Feb 28, 2020 13:40Articles : TonyH commented on news 6 China Roommates Nobody Wants to Live With
Never shared a room or even an apartment with a stranger! not since collage! Full Comment>>
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Feb 28, 2020 13:34Articles : TonyH commented on news Coronavirus Restrictions to be Determined by County Risk Status
Even though returning back to work and resumption of normal daily life would be great both for people's lives and country's economy, keeping the measures high is still seems to be a logical thing to do! Full Comment>>
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Oct 03, 2017 13:41Find-Job : TonyH commented on news 5 Things to Expect When Job Hunting in China
great topic! for newbies though not us old timers...we've been here for years starting to call china home ;) Full Comment>>
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Sep 06, 2015 13:21Articles : TonyH commented on news 8 Apps and Websites that are Changing the Way China Does Dating
what a load of crap…what a waste of time. Full Comment>>
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Mar 06, 2015 12:21Around China : TonyH commented on news Father Induces Epileptic Fit in Son after Forcing Him to Set off Fireworks
I don't understand how firecrackers have become part of china's culture to begin with! I mean ages ago villagers and peasants used firecrackers to scare off wild animals from their herds and families which was thoroughly understandable back then...and now, what doesn't make a slightest sense is people are still ... Full Comment>>
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May 18, 2014 18:14Around China : TonyH commented on news Un-bee-lievable: Jiangxi Man Breaks World Bee Bearding Record
Was that a record? come on people for crying out loud… what the world's coming into, I can't believe how they make records out of nothing! Full Comment>>
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May 18, 2014 18:10Articles : TonyH commented on news How to Recognize a “Face Job” When Applying for Jobs in China
Yeah…Tell me about it :-D Full Comment>>
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May 18, 2014 18:05Articles : TonyH commented on news Nine Important Tips for Traveling to North Korea
Plan A: I won't go to NK Plan B: Following plan A :-D Full Comment>>
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May 13, 2014 15:26(Guangzhou) Features : TonyH commented on news Go East and Prosper: Africans Communities in Guangzhou
Being something other than Chinese and having to live in this country can be either lovely or unbearable for you, if you know what I mean...To make it easier for u: people here could thoroughly admire you or spit in your face, both for no reason...Ignorance, is the key word here. Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 15:26Around China : TonyH commented on news Chengdu Wedding Parties Plagued by Elderly Hongbao Snatchers
Over doing things is epic in china and we constantly seeing them everyday in our daily life in this country, like the story of respecting old people in china to the point that's ridiculous…some of course take advantage of that. Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 15:17Articles : TonyH commented on news Life After the Video that Made Beijing’s English-Speaking Sanitation Worker Famous
I just can't agree with you more lol Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 15:13Articles : TonyH commented on news Life After the Video that Made Beijing’s English-Speaking Sanitation Worker Famous
Even though I've seen lots of people speaking a very good English in china, but anyway, nice to see this guy eventually took a serious step in his life and achieved something which I believe made him happy and that is the most important thing after all. Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 14:39Around China : TonyH commented on news Hubei Vice Principal Kisses Pig to Reward Students for Not Littering
The pig's like: wait a minute, did he just kiss me in my snout??? No OiNkInG way :-D Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 14:33Around China : TonyH commented on news Wuhan Woman Puts Grandson Up for Sale to Save Son
Poor woman…Wait a sec! How the hell would that even be possible???? who'd buy somebody else's child for money? I've heard people leave their children at someones door and ring the bell and then run away and watch what's gonna happen to their child afterwards, if they'd ever wanna do that kinda thing…But wait, she ... Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 14:17Articles : TonyH commented on news To Pay or Not to Pay: Funding Your Chinese Language Course
What a waste of time reading such a long crap…The first part was known to everyone was of no help to people who'd decide to study in china and the second part of this guys advice was absolutely illegal working on a student visa as we all see over and over how many students are getting embarrassed by being arrested ... Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 13:49Around China : TonyH commented on news Harbin Does Its Part for Earth Day with No-Pants Subway Ride
Obviously chinese have found going nude as a solution to all their problems, first the students of that Guangzhou/university going topless over a females rights thing and now over this. STRIPPING IS NOT A SOLUTION PEOPLE :-D Full Comment>>
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May 01, 2014 13:41Around China : TonyH commented on news Man Earns 2.5 Million RMB in Six Months by Hiring Out Tesla
That was cute...I don't understand what's so surprising about this story! working for a luxury car brand name as a sales person or whatever, earns you as much as it's price scale allows you to; I was actually expecting some ordinary but rather genius guy earning a large amount of money like the one this article ... Full Comment>>
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