Mr.Forgin on hadleyj09 's blog China is NOT a bad place to be (RANT)(25 comments)

Jun 15,2014 12:02 comment|47543|28341

The write sounds like someone with no responsibilities but if we consider the real life here, especially if you are not a teenager or living bachelor life, China is a hard place to live in term of life expenditure apart from the pressure that you get from the Chinese society like stares and ..... from the local people. Full Comment>>

Mr.Forgin on news Suspended Death Sentence for Baby Trafficking Doctor(3 comments)

Jun 11,2014 22:24 comment|47373|28341

If I was a leader and in charge of that, I would give an order to take off her eyes first and bury her alive, such kinds of people make the world to be a bad place for living! they must be punished hard. Full Comment>>

Mr.Forgin on news Hubei Primary School Attacker Identified as Retired Soldier(2 comments)

Jun 11,2014 22:10 comment|47371|28341

The police did a good job to shoot him down! I guess the parents of kids were going to peel his skin alive and feed the dogs. Full Comment>>

Mr.Forgin on news 16 Shocking Facts about China's Economy, Production and Natural Resources (29 comments)

Jun 10,2014 23:33 comment|47334|28341

To sum up, the writer just left behind another shocking fact about China which is, China has got most polluted cities on the planet earth, full of dust and smog! Full Comment>>

Mr.Forgin on news 16 Shocking Facts about China's Economy, Production and Natural Resources (29 comments)

Jun 10,2014 23:24 comment|47333|28341

Most Chinese tend to ignore red light traffic sign, they usually cross the road the way they want! One day I asked a Chinese taxi driver, why most Chinese do that, he told me that most Chinese do crazy things because of eating to much pork and that make them to behave like pigs! hahaaaa Full Comment>>

Mr.Forgin on news Passengers Arrested after Refusing to Turn off Cell Phone on Plane(7 comments)

Jun 06,2014 12:49 comment|47186|28341

I can't understand what they learn at schools! Most of them are stupid and still uneducated... Full Comment>>


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