robamer on news Kindergarten Teacher Shares Naked Pictures of Her Students with Friends Online(16 comments)

Oct 23,2015 00:27 comment|65768|277747

She is as guilty as anyone of Paedophilia, not for having taken the photos, but for having published them and sending them to her circle of friends. In my country, this is a very serious offence, punishable by law. And of course, her teaching job at the school would have been terminated also. Full Comment>>

robamer on news Google Takes Steps to Re-enter the Mainland Chinese Market(7 comments)

Oct 22,2015 22:08 comment|65765|277747

Rumour is fact. Google, is very much trying to re-enter the Chinese market. And why not! So much to gain, and so little to lose. My understanding is that Google is still negotiating with the Chinese bureaucracy, which we all know imposes severe restrictions on Google, having forced them out in the preceding period. ... Full Comment>>


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