cesar81 on news Man Arrested at Beijing Airport For Saying He Has a ‘Bomb In My Ass’(11 comments)

Mar 21,2014 13:16 comment|44803|273468

Actually if you tell a joke about a bomb in the States you'll go directly to prison... it became a serious thing after 9/11 incident... And we can't carry water into the cabin planes cause some terrorist s carried a liquid kind of bomb in London. It's a scary scary world. Full Comment>>

cesar81 on news Noodles or Pasta? Examining China’s Claimed“Food Inventions”(16 comments)

Mar 18,2014 21:08 comment|44721|273468

There's a book: "On the noodle road, from Beijing to Rome". If you really care about the history of noodles or pasta you'd love it. Basically Chinese noodles were dried by Arabians and introduced into Italy. The exchanges on the silk road were numerous. A company in the US was in charge of the fallacy of ... Full Comment>>

cesar81 on news Australian Detained in Fuzhou on Suspicion of Illegal Employment(4 comments)

Jan 14,2014 20:04 comment|43022|273468

Sometimes We want to be foreigners, sometimes We want to be chinese. Come on We can't be both at the same time. Full Comment>>


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