estern on news Living in China? Here’s What the Locals Hate About You(7 comments)

Mar 28,2018 16:14 comment|75116|265841

More like a list of blindingly obvious cultural differences rather that things they hate about us. Full Comment>>

estern on news We Need to Revolutionize Chinese Studying Habits(26 comments)

May 25,2016 14:18 comment|71185|265841

The first word "we" is totally wrong. There is no "we" in this. A foreigner coming in and telling them what to do, when not invited to do so, only triggers the stubborn side of them and they often do the total opposite. I agree with you that Chinese studying habits are ineffective and need to ... Full Comment>>

estern on news 10 Must-Have-Apps in China(7 comments)

Apr 08,2016 12:04 comment|70209|265841

A useful little article. Most of them I've tried and then uninstalled as the app causes more problems that it solves. Never heard of Ayi Bang, but it sounds like it could be useful. Will give it a go. Full Comment>>

estern on news 6 Steps to Help Ease Your Seasonal Depression (9 comments)

Mar 23,2016 11:06 comment|69930|265841

Or you could, you know, GO HOME! Trying to convince yourself that you're happy, when you're not will achieve nothing but making yourself even more miserable in the long term. You're miserable because you are the type of person who thinks it's acceptable to make a list instead of going out to actually find some ... Full Comment>>

estern on news 8 Chinese Products that are Actually Owned by Foreign Companies (4 comments)

Feb 24,2016 11:24 comment|69119|265841

You could also make a much longer list (and growing longer every day) of foreign products that are owned by Chinese companies. Full Comment>>

estern on news Jiangsu Restaurant Charges All Customers an Extra 1 Yuan for Filtered Air (18 comments)

Dec 16,2015 09:45 comment|67512|265841

@Guest2301262 So you are arrogant enough to assume that because someone doesn't agree with you it can only be because they don't understand. It's entirely possible for 2 educated people to be given the same information and yet arrive at different opinions. But I guess if you no longer believe in the importance of ... Full Comment>>

estern on news Jiangsu Restaurant Charges All Customers an Extra 1 Yuan for Filtered Air (18 comments)

Dec 15,2015 19:03 comment|67484|265841

It's not a basic service, it should be something that we can all take for granted, but unfortunately it's not! Restaurants are not responsible for the air quality. The government and polluting factories are. Do you really think each individual restaurant can be held accountable for the pollution that they played no ... Full Comment>>

estern on news Jiangsu Restaurant Charges All Customers an Extra 1 Yuan for Filtered Air (18 comments)

Dec 15,2015 18:29 comment|67482|265841

@Guest2301262 Why not? If they provide a service that other restaurants don't, then they have every right to charge. If people don't want to pay, then don't go to that restaurant. Simple. All restaurant do charge for providing clean plates, table, floor etc... that's where part of the money goes. It's just not ... Full Comment>>

estern on news Chinese Graduate Opens Beijing Jianbing Pancake Stall in NYC(10 comments)

Dec 08,2015 14:09 comment|67292|265841

It's only news because in a few years they will claim that that patch of pavement was once occupied by a Chinese and must be returned to the motherland immediately! And by not doing so the US government has hurt the feelings of the people of China. Full Comment>>

estern on news Netizens Debate Lighting of Oriental Pearl Tower in Support of Paris (6 comments)

Nov 16,2015 18:58 comment|66437|265841

Am i the only one that noticed that two thirds of the tower was lit red, and only the tip blue and white. Seemed like it was more of a statement about China that France. Why have ecc decided to show a unrelated photo when there are plenty of pictures of the Pearl Tower that night? Edit: They have now changed the ... Full Comment>>

estern on news Classy Gansu Man Drives “British Royal Carriage” around City(5 comments)

Oct 22,2015 18:56 comment|65762|265841

My favorite thing about this is he seems to be dressed up like a cowboy! Full Comment>>

estern on news Five Off the Beaten Track Destinations in China(4 comments)

Sep 30,2015 10:58 comment|65163|265841

Xiamen! Hardly off the beaten track Full Comment>>

estern on news 10 “Made in China” Products that are More Expensive in China(7 comments)

Aug 27,2015 11:07 comment|64298|265841

This is the price you pay for stifling creativity in school. The factory of the world, maybe (for now at least), but factories only take a very small share of the profits. Full Comment>>

estern on news Shanghai #1, Beijing #7: What Are the Happiest Cities in China? (16 comments)

Jul 29,2015 16:47 comment|63511|265841

ummmmm Wuhan at 5! Are you high? By far the most miserable depressing place iv'e been in China with miserable depressing people to go with it. And where is Chengdu? It seems the list is based how happy the authors think people should be, rather than how happy they actually are. Full Comment>>

estern on news 5 Arrested in Uniqlo Fitting Room Sex Tape Scandal (10 comments)

Jul 22,2015 03:13 comment|63298|265841

Uniqlo is Japanese. Part of foreignerland that China objects to the most. Full Comment>>

estern on news Sichuan Woman Throws Huge Fit when Bus Driver Refuses Her Dog(7 comments)

Apr 15,2015 21:20 comment|58667|265841

Robk, it already is Full Comment>>

estern on news Losers Back Home? Perceptions of English Teachers in China (88 comments)

Apr 06,2015 09:36 comment|58060|265841

Same for me. When they find out i'm not a teacher their whole tone changes and becomes all together more pleasant. Full Comment>>

M&S is always my first stop when I go there. Full Comment>>

estern on news Man Gets Jail Time for Shooting Rare Birds (1 comments)

Dec 16,2014 10:41 comment|53513|265841

China has wildlife protection laws? AND they are actually enforced??? Progress Full Comment>>

estern on news Leaping Over the Great Firewall: Technology Life Hacks for China (16 comments)

Dec 08,2014 09:02 comment|53259|265841

I don't know where you are, but where I am it is absolutely blocked, and has been for 4/5 months. Could be another case of different parts of China having different censorship. Full Comment>>


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