chuckberry on news ‘Show Me Your Boobs’, Foreign man asks Female Reporter(73 comments)

Dec 29,2013 11:24 comment|42695|259098

well, if it's illegal to eat shark fin, they are welcome to arrest them. They should live by the rules too if they live in Canada or elsewhere. Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news ‘Show Me Your Boobs’, Foreign man asks Female Reporter(73 comments)

Dec 28,2013 23:24 comment|42682|259098

Sure, glad yo cracker ass is out of the country! How much money did you make teaching? I'm sure some niggs' gonna take care of your ass if you ever come to the hood! I know, for the white folks having 2K savings is a lot of money and that's not a joke, so I bet you made enough in China to buy a ticket back to your ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news ‘Show Me Your Boobs’, Foreign man asks Female Reporter(73 comments)

Dec 28,2013 23:16 comment|42681|259098

Why are all these laowais bitching so much. Ever heard of "My house, my rules". You come to somebody's country and enforce your point of view that this is not a big deal, maybe it's not a big deal in your country, but you are protecting some morons who are being rude and offensive. People are not that open ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Brawl Breaks Out on a Kunming-Bound Flight, Foreigners Involved(18 comments)

Dec 20,2013 10:00 comment|42369|259098

Funny why some of those alleged foreign guys talk smack about Chinese but at the same time married to some Chinese women, why do you marry them in the first place? In general I don't think interracial marriages are easy to handle. Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Crowd Smash Up Guangzhou Hospital in Protest Over Woman’s Treatment(3 comments)

Dec 11,2013 13:36 comment|42017|259098

The hospitals in China are inhumane. They don't give a fuck about anything nor do they have any morality. Those alleged nurses are good for picking up trash. They were told to do one thing and if you ask them to do anything else, they can't, they are dumb as fuck. Don't go to the Huashan in Shanghai, this hospital is... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Netizens Favor Chinese Woman in New Alleged ‘Good Samaritan Scam’(27 comments)

Dec 07,2013 13:32 comment|41900|259098 So we have a total of 2 random deaths total, damn, that's a lot. Do you know how many hate crime there is in America or Europe against minorities? Same mentality like the media saying: oh no, 3 American dead in Iraq, that's terrible! Media doesn't show ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Netizens Favor Chinese Woman in New Alleged ‘Good Samaritan Scam’(27 comments)

Dec 07,2013 13:25 comment|41899|259098 Don't you think we should hang this chubby bastard? North Korean Labor camp is better! Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Netizens Favor Chinese Woman in New Alleged ‘Good Samaritan Scam’(27 comments)

Dec 07,2013 13:22 comment|41897|259098 Just for your reference Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news American Teacher Drives Beijing Taxi For the Day(8 comments)

Dec 07,2013 13:10 comment|41896|259098

really? you really this guy can get you to your destination in one piece? think again! It's like saying this guy speaks better Chinese than a local person. Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Shanghai Woman and Laowai Swindle 360 Million RMB (31 comments)

Dec 07,2013 13:03 comment|41895|259098

To be fair, maybe write "Nazi and Chink" or Cracker Kraut and Chink. Cracker Kraut sounds like Krakau in Poland, maybe that's where the real crackers come from? How about Kracker Kraut Kink (KKK) Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news China, the Classroom: Unexpected Knowledge and Skills Gained in China(16 comments)

Oct 26,2013 00:00 comment|40959|259098

damn, you guys are so superior and so wise you can't learn anything anymore. If you are so amazingly smart, how come ya'll still small timers? Let's see, I go to a country and start bitching around, hmmm, does not make sense right? I'm glad Shanghai gets more competitive and screens out all the trashy foreigners ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Prank Callers Will be Sorry: China Clamps Down on False Terror Threats(8 comments)

Oct 25,2013 23:38 comment|40958|259098

dude go home if you whine about this everyday, it's no good for you health. Why don't you go to a place where you can be happy. Is McCain paying you to write this shit? Good grief, CNN and BBC is not bias? God, you are such a hater, your life must be miserable. When something is running well, all of the sudden there ... Full Comment>>

I thought Kimmel was really funny, esp. when they host Yao and T-Mac, but this shit is unacceptable. Kimmel no mas, piece of shite. Apparently it's ok, because it's just Chinese people. If he'd said kill all blacks, for sure this guy is done like Kraemer! Saying this is no different than saying kill all Blacks, Jews ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Expat Exodus: Why Foreigners Are Leaving China(46 comments)

Oct 07,2013 07:15 comment|40437|259098

You are talking about illegal immigrants, they buy their SS number, work illegally on the street which is tolerated by the government. They do not get free medicare, unless you tell me and I would go and get it for myself. America use them as cheap labor, you are talking about a different topic. You are talking ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Expat Exodus: Why Foreigners Are Leaving China(46 comments)

Oct 05,2013 20:30 comment|40417|259098

Don't get fooled by this article. Some Laowais are leaving, some laowais are coming. Don't judge by a stupid article what's going on. Fact is that Chinese are smart enough to do whatever benefit their own country, period! So does everybody else. They are not gonna fuck this up, if their country is doing well, ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Chinese Tourists are at it Again! Foot Bathers Spotted in Front of the Louvre(8 comments)

Aug 01,2013 10:00 comment|39312|259098

I was super angry when I saw it, I thought: oh my god, not bad behaving Chinese again, making us look so bad and shameful. Actually the picture doesn't tell the whole story. When I saw the other picture I felt relieved. Without the other pictures, there is like a billion foreigners and Chinese bashing on Chinese. Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Can China Really Eclipse the US as the World’s Top Superpower?(17 comments)

Jul 30,2013 10:31 comment|39280|259098

I agree with you that China doesn't any friends, but maybe North Korea. Any other country either hate or is jealous of their our economy. I disagree with you that we don't have any innovations. Innovation is all about money. Japan used to copy cars and now they have become a fierce competitor in the auto industry. ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on Coffaholic 's blog The Staring Games: Chinese Child Vs. The Adult Foreigner(24 comments)

Jul 29,2013 09:54 comment|39263|259098

Maybe you put yourself in somebody else's shoe to understand. This is not because it's China, it's everywhere. I grew up in a white neighborhood as Asian. This is exactly the same shit. Kids or even adult stared at me all the time, to make it worse. Maybe you ask a black person too, they would tell you the same ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Beijing Woman Somehow Survives Subway Jump Suicide Attempt(6 comments)

Jul 06,2013 16:09 comment|38796|259098

you see Chinese people don't know how to defend themselves verbally in this forum because it's not their native language that's why you guys keep bashing them left and right, please bare in mind that you live in their country. Some criticism is ok and please be objective, but don't start being judgmental about every ... Full Comment>>

chuckberry on news Beijing Woman Somehow Survives Subway Jump Suicide Attempt(6 comments)

Jul 05,2013 22:52 comment|38784|259098

why do you keep putting a negative spin on everything, if you dislike China so much, why don't you leave? Well, judging from your photo, I assume you are from compton. How would you feel if a person would say, oh, somebody robbed the bank, must be a black guy. Full Comment>>


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