jasonmoore on news A North Korea Travel Guide for China Expats(21 comments)

Aug 31,2013 19:23 comment|39940|256777

Even England has grave human rights issues, let me know of a country which doesn't if you have google available. Full Comment>>

jasonmoore on news A North Korea Travel Guide for China Expats(21 comments)

Aug 31,2013 19:19 comment|39939|256777

I dont think its quite like North Korea.It's much more open here and everything is practically on display. Long gone are the days when they followed you and checked you out, beat up any locals who talked to you etc. Not any more. Full Comment>>

jasonmoore on news British Women in Legal Limbo Unable to Leave Guangzhou (3 comments)

Aug 29,2013 14:43 comment|39899|256777

They should have known Chinese fake product retailers would be on the side of the law and the police would accept corrupt bribes, how silly of them to try and buy that shit. Full Comment>>

jasonmoore on news A North Korea Travel Guide for China Expats(21 comments)

Aug 28,2013 17:01 comment|39873|256777

I wouldn't give my money to a fake system who have adopted foreign ideologies to suppress millions of people. I couldn't sit back and enjoy the scenery ,where you know, just beyond the woods there are starving kids and bodies strewn on the streets that you don't get to see. That's not my idea of tourism. Would you ... Full Comment>>

jasonmoore on ay89 's blog i'm not racist(3 comments)

Jul 11,2013 17:01 comment|38923|256777

They don't focus on your ethnicity, its the parents of the kids, they want to see a white face for some reason, same all over china. try hampson English, they are very civilised about this kind of thing. Full Comment>>


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