xtremebob on news Does China's Materialistic Image Really Represent Most Chinese?(39 comments)

Mar 01,2013 15:04 comment|35909|25597

As a teacher of students from high school age to college, I am dismayed at more than half of them. Whenever we talk of goals and what people expect from life, the most common answer to "What will you do after graduation?" is "I'm going to be rich." "How" I ask. "By getting a good ... Full Comment>>

xtremebob on news Decline in Social Morality Compels China’s Youth to Brag (28 comments)

Aug 23,2012 07:50 comment|30700|25597

It seems then, that ALL religion is in the hands of very bad people. Full Comment>>

xtremebob on news System Overload: China Struggles as Illegal Foreigners Increase(29 comments)

Jun 07,2012 10:07 comment|28510|25597

Please, please, please tell me you're not a teacher. Full Comment>>


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