dariax on news Yellow Fever: Why Western Guys Date Chinese Girls(400 comments)

May 16,2013 12:14 comment|37315|239850

yes mindful, very true!!!! But such is Asia/china and it is getting worse and Aids and STDs spread and Chinese girls/Ladies??? are not so pure afterall. Full Comment>>

dariax on news Yellow Fever: Why Western Guys Date Chinese Girls(400 comments)

Apr 29,2013 07:38 comment|36954|239850

Remorhz, your comment is the most disgusting and insulting thing I have ever read. You are judging all by few. You are offending many women who do not act the way you describe. There are promiscuous women in the west but so are many in China too. The world is changing and young people somehow adopt the behavior and ... Full Comment>>

dariax on Coffaholic 's blog Making Sense of Chinese National Holidays (6 comments)

Apr 29,2013 06:39 comment|36952|239850

Wow, I would not complain. Most people in North America don’t get as many holidays as they do in China and everyone works overtime and takes work home or works 2 – 3 jobs so they never get time off. You get very few 2 or 3 days for Christmas, then 1 for New Year and maybe 4 more individual days during the year and ... Full Comment>>

dariax on news Yellow Fever: Why Western Guys Date Chinese Girls(400 comments)

Apr 26,2013 12:30 comment|36876|239850

Not true, now you are judging all by one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full Comment>>

dariax on news The Relationship Minefield: 4 Challenges for Multicultural Couples(116 comments)

Apr 26,2013 11:23 comment|36870|239850

Reading about all the struggles here makes me think that coming here and marrying into a Chinese/foreign family did not make life any easier than where I came from; as attractive as it may have seem in the beginning. On the contrary it seems so difficult to really figure out if I really connected with a women or on ... Full Comment>>