davidinzs on news PLA Colonel Dai Xu Now Calling Lee Kaifu a “CIA Agent” (1 comments)

Oct 16,2013 09:46 comment|40697|237303

I counld not find his weibo but popuped a error link message. However, I think the guy's way of thinking is something that of the Culture Revolution during 1966-1976 in China. Full Comment>>

davidinzs on news A Justice System in Question: The Secret Execution of Zeng Chengjie(13 comments)

Jul 31,2013 21:20 comment|39309|237303

The reason for Zeng's death sentence while ex-minister of the State Railway Ministry, Liu Zhi Jun, a super corrupt official, was not executed is that China's justice system serves the politics and a conviction for a big case is determined by a communist party secretary despite of those legal provisions. Full Comment>>


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