cfdance101 on news 5 Vegetarian/Vegan Chinese Dishes that are Easy Cook At Home(7 comments)

Feb 16,2022 11:42 comment|82818|1655195

Yes, really. Vegans that are concerned about animal rights are very particular about everything they eat and purchase. Full Comment>>

cfdance101 on news 5 Vegetarian/Vegan Chinese Dishes that are Easy Cook At Home(7 comments)

Apr 21,2021 03:15 comment|79840|1655195

Greetings. Vegetarians eat eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt... basically, anything they don't consider flesh (it's true, some vegetarians consider eggs flesh, but it's a smaller percentage). Vegans, on the other hand, don't eat (or buy) anything related to animal use (if they are pure vegans). So, no honey, no leather, ... Full Comment>>


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