I agree with nonotz. It doesn't matter where a person is from. This type of behavior simply cannot be condoned. I find it hard to believe that the occasional slap on the wrist is going to have any real effect. In fact, unless children are educated in a way that includes how to behave with decency, then this will ... Full Comment>>

nelwyn0000 on news Insider’s Guide to Teaching English in China(29 comments)

Mar 18,2013 23:35 comment|36150|72841

nelwyn0000 on news Insider’s Guide to Teaching English in China(29 comments)

Mar 18,2013 23:33 comment|36149|72841

What about the rampant apathy in more affluent segments of Chinese society? What are we supposed to do with them, since they are a real market, and one that is decidely not interested in learning (English among other topics). Interactive classes don't seem to be particularly useful as a vast majority are engrossed ... Full Comment>>

nelwyn0000 on news Chinese Tourists Rank Fifth for Money Spent on Hotel Accommodations Abroad(1 comments)

Mar 18,2013 23:28 comment|36147|72841

This sort of survey does little to help any student of global trends. Who are the top four? Where was the money being spent? Is this an average, and if so what is the higher amount paid by few? Yet another possibly useful article reduced to meaningless babble. Please include a more thorough edition of such articles. Full Comment>>


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