alexanderrz on news Beijing Capital Airport Passengers “Third Most Satisfied in World”(5 comments)

Jun 14,2013 14:51 comment|38223|60871

how is this possible???? Full Comment>>

alexanderrz on news Former Chelsea Footballer Adrian Mutu Wants to Adopt Sewer Baby(5 comments)

Jun 04,2013 00:34 comment|37857|60871

he said 17 countries CAN'T, when actually only 17 CAN.... Full Comment>>

alexanderrz on news Former Chelsea Footballer Adrian Mutu Wants to Adopt Sewer Baby(5 comments)

Jun 03,2013 19:45 comment|37846|60871

actually Romania is not one of 17 countries that can adopt children's from china....only 17 countries can...... At present there are 17 countries that have established cooperative relationship with China in inter-country adoption. These countries are: U.S.A., Canada, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Belgium, ... Full Comment>>


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