Visco8 on news The Great Laowai Exodus: Why Foreigners Are Leaving China(135 comments)

Jan 14,2016 18:16 comment|68117|32640

Hey - what about all the Chinese that come to our countries e.g. Aust. NZ etc to study, spend heaps of time there, & still dont know our language or culture? Give me a break! You can knock foreigners for various reasons, but knowing Chinese is not one of them. I came here to teach English...not to learn Chinese!! Full Comment>>

Visco8 on news China's Ning Zetao Makes History With Swimming Gold Medal(5 comments)

Aug 09,2015 19:54 comment|63823|32640

Ahh..Ye Shiwen, wasnt she the brilliant 16yr old that actually swam faster than one of the men's relay 100mt freestyle in the Olympics? Astounding! The world were sceptical, but suely not...the Chinese cheating? Unheard of. BTW ~ Im quite the sporting fan, but have not heard anything about this brilliant girl since ... Full Comment>>

Visco8 on news Foreigners in China Seeking Employment Face Difficulties(17 comments)

Dec 04,2013 13:29 comment|41775|32640

I find it ironic that so many Chinese schools, Uni's, etc. are screaming out for English teachers, but, on the other hand, this govt is trying it's hardest to get rid of them! Sure, there's a few deadheads here, but generally the foreigners do a good job sometimes against trying odds.The Chinese students (as a ... Full Comment>>


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