johno5175 on news Guangzhou Railway Station Knife Attack: 10 Injured(11 comments)

Mar 11,2015 17:57 comment|56848|291325

Should be or do you mean are? Full Comment>>

johno5175 on news China’s Top Legislature Considering Abolishing Soliciting Underage Prostitutes(6 comments)

Mar 05,2015 13:19 comment|56565|291325

No, they are saying as the law stands at the moment if someone has relations (for a better word) with an underage child it is only classed as soliciting an under age prostitute. They want the law changed to count it as rape Full Comment>>

johno5175 on news US Federal Agencies Crack Down on Chinese Birth Tourism(21 comments)

Mar 04,2015 19:34 comment|56496|291325

HAHAHA... little do they know that their precious brat will be liable to pay tax to the US gov for the rest of their lives even if they never step foot on US soil. Full Comment>>


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