sevenyan Mar 28,2014 22:38

Tags: General, Teaching & Learning, Language & Culture

What is it about? Qing, Literally meaning "clear” and Ming means "bright", jie means “festival” . Qing ming jie is a time to remember and respect the dead and dearly departed. It ...

sevenyan Mar 09,2014 13:35

Tags: General, Health & Environment, Expat Rants & Advice

As more and more foreigners are living in China. The top issue that they are facing I think is safety and health. Once you got sick or injured, what can help you the most financially? Due to the ...

sevenyan Feb 28,2014 15:26

Tags: Teaching & Learning, Travel, Language & Culture, Lifestyle

春节期间探亲访友,自然少不了喝茶。饮茶在中国不仅是一种生活习惯,也是一种源远流长的文化传统。敬茶与品茶都有其各不相同的礼仪。在这里我想跟大家分享一些喝茶的礼仪。Chinese New Year is a time for ...

sevenyan Feb 22,2014 22:57

Tags: Teaching & Learning, Language & Culture, Lifestyle

What kind of game is it ? Chinese Chess is a kind of strategic military game associated with battle affairs. That's 32 chess pieces in total, and the chess board with BoundaryRiver as well as the ...

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