  • I live inFoshan
  • NationalityAustralia
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About Me

我在中国已经教授英语约十二年,涵盖了多个城市和机构。我正在寻找一个有意愿实施新项目或改善现有项目的学校,其中教育质量至少和利润同等重要。我相信提供优质的教育和愉快的教师与学生环境将会实现所期望的盈利和声誉目标。 我的管理经验使我对有兴趣的学校或机构具有独特的优势。我可以作为一位经验丰富的教师工作,而且我还具备广泛的运营管理、人员管理、流程设计、持续改进和问题解决方法方面的技能。因此,如果您希望进... Read More>>

我在中国已经教授英语约十二年,涵盖了多个城市和机构。我正在寻找一个有意愿实施新项目或改善现有项目的学校,其中教育质量至少和利润同等重要。我相信提供优质的教育和愉快的教师与学生环境将会实现所期望的盈利和声誉目标。 我的管理经验使我对有兴趣的学校或机构具有独特的优势。我可以作为一位经验丰富的教师工作,而且我还具备广泛的运营管理、人员管理、流程设计、持续改进和问题解决方法方面的技能。因此,如果您希望进行创新、改进、实现挑战性目标或解决棘手问题,这些都是我可以提供帮助的领域。 从教学角度来看,我丰富的经验使我能够教授各个年龄段的学生,包括商务英语和雅思/托福考试。我能够承担多种角色,包括教学、课程设计、流程改进以及人员和运营管理。我在银行管理方面拥有正规的管理培训、技能和经验。这包括我在一家财富500强公司——汇丰银行的管理职位。 如果您能够理解我的简历中的专业领域,那么我相信我们将是完美的匹配。

Recent Activity


Nov 25, 2015 20:23

Blogs : paulgsavill commented on GaliaSlavova 's blog The Administration Horror or How not to loose nerves when dealing with Administrative issues

No offence, but there's a reason Chinese people seek native English speakers. If you look at your own article, despite your qualifications, your post is full of errors. 'I am high professional ...' Do you mean 'a highly professional'? Also, business is spelled with two 's's. 'At the university'? Do you mean there's ... Full Comment>>

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Nov 22, 2015 10:33

Blogs : paulgsavill commented on thabet_sava 's blog Shanghai, a City that Caters to all Tastes

If you'll be teaching in a university, perhaps you should study English grammar first. You can start with 'indefinite articles'. Full Comment>>

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Oct 23, 2015 10:41

Around China : paulgsavill commented on news Heilongjiang Tourist Killed in Hong Kong in Fight over Forced Shopping

I would, but it was all in Chinese. A Chinese friend arranged it. I'm not even sure of the website. I was the only foreigner in the group, so they do this to everyone. I think the point is that different websites acted as agents for the tour. They probably give the website owners a price to get people in, then ... Full Comment>>

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Oct 22, 2015 08:14

Around China : paulgsavill commented on news Heilongjiang Tourist Killed in Hong Kong in Fight over Forced Shopping

I once made the mistake of taking a mainland Chinese tour to see The Great Wall. Needless to say, never again. I can only assume these tours are similar, and probably arranged by a mainland company. Firstly, once we were on the coach and it started, we were informed that the internet site had duped us, and that our ... Full Comment>>

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