scrosedk on news 70,000 Protest Chinese Billionaire’s Planned Demolition of Madrid Landmark(16 comments)

Sep 11,2015 12:50 comment|64673|1598993

I think the local government should buy it back and banish him from Madrid, actually this kinda people should be banished from everywhere Full Comment>>

scrosedk on news 70,000 Protest Chinese Billionaire’s Planned Demolition of Madrid Landmark(16 comments)

Sep 11,2015 12:44 comment|64671|1598993

I am a Chinese. This bastard has contributed a lot to the ballooning of the house prices in China, and now he is planning to destroy the culture of other countries. Stop him before it is too late, since my country has been turned into a living hell by those sons of bitches like him Full Comment>>


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