Erichu Jan 19,2014 19:50

Tags: General, Relationships, Language & Culture, Lifestyle

According to (prominent Chinese news network) the unmarried rate in China has increased almost 20 percent from 1995 to 2005, and this rate is still increasing in 2014. Why is it so hard ...

Erichu Nov 23,2013 16:07

Tags: General, Teaching & Learning, Travel, Language & Culture, Lifestyle

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in 2012, about one sixth of international students were from China. China has become the world’s biggest ...

Erichu Nov 03,2013 13:33

Tags: Lifestyle

Last week’s hot Weibo posting about the mother-in-law who sent a 4 million RMB Bentley car to her son –in-law as a wedding present, caused quite a lot of debate in China. Reportedly, ...

About Erichu

I'm a born and bred Shanghaiiese, living between Canada and China. I'm interested to discuss Chinese politics, pop culture, technology, Mega cities.

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