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    Teaching, film, photography, traveling, ... Read More>>

About Me

I love teaching and giving students to tools and knowledge they need in order to be truly successful in life. I also love long early morning walks, taking photos of nature and traveling all around the world. Meeting new people and eating new and exciting food is always good too!

Recent Activity


May 15, 2014 07:42

Blogs : hadleyj09 commented on hadleyj09 's blog 5 Things I Have Learned In China

Toyiah, Yeah, if you have any questions let me know. Sorry about the very late response. Didn't think people would actually read my posts, but thanks for the comment. Full Comment>>

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May 15, 2014 07:28

Blogs : hadleyj09 commented on hadleyj09 's blog Why do you wanna live in China? (Because I love China)

Can everyone please refrain from calling others out of their name based on their opinions. If you like what someone said, cool, If you didn't, voice your opinion in a civilized manner. If you can't do that then you should not be posting here. Full Comment>>

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May 15, 2014 07:25

Blogs : hadleyj09 commented on hadleyj09 's blog Why do you wanna live in China? (Because I love China)

This was posted a while ago, and a few months late, I still feel like China is a great place to work and live. Thanks for the comments everyone. Not really worried about the grammar as long as you got the point of what was being written. I plan to live here for many years to come, and I see the vast amount of ... Full Comment>>

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May 15, 2014 07:21

Blogs : hadleyj09 Posted a new blog China: Life Is Great Here

It's been nearly 9 months since I've started living in China. The only thing I can say is that it has truly been an adventure. One thing is certain, not once have I ever thought of China as a bad place to work or live. This is a great country with so much opportunity. Actually, the amount of success and freedom here ...

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Jan 08, 2014 03:41

Blogs : hadleyj09 commented on hadleyj09 's blog 5 Things I Have Learned In China

No, I am living in Daqing. A more rural, and soon to be modern area of China. I see the driving everyday. For a country with barely any driving laws, and very few accidents, the Chinese are pretty good drivers. But hey, that's just my opinion. Thanks for commenting. Full Comment>>

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Jan 08, 2014 03:38

Blogs : hadleyj09 Posted a new blog Before and After Coming to China

Before China Before I came to China, I was very hesitant. It was a pretty scary thought about going half-way across the world. It was also a last minute decision. For the past year and a half before I came to China, I was actually supposed to go to South Korea to teach English. However, things did not turn out as ...

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Jan 08, 2014 03:30

Blogs : hadleyj09 Posted a new blog Stop focusing on the negatives!

I have seen and heard so many people through bogs and videos talking about how bad China is. This country is not a bad place to work nor live. This country is actually better in some aspects than America, in my opinion. The crime rate is a hell of a lot lower than the U.S., the people are generally nicer than the ...

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Jan 08, 2014 03:25

Blogs : hadleyj09 Posted a new blog Why do you wanna live in China? (Because I love China)

FIRST: SHOUT OUTS TO EVERYONE WHO GAVE ME SUPPORTSo recently.......very, very recently,I was asked, "Joel, why the hell are you in China?"I was like, "what do you mean?"He talked about how racism in China, and that if he was me, he would not be able to handle it.All I said was that no matter what, in every country I ...

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Dec 26, 2013 13:10

Blogs : hadleyj09 Posted a new blog 5 Things I have learned in China

5 Things China has taught me 1. Be humble. People here will spend their hard earned money (at times) to make sure that I have a comfortable life here, which leads into #2. 2. Share. Sharing is not taught to us in America, at least not as much as it should be. People share all the time here, and it really makes you ...

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