Samsara on Samsara 's blog Chinese Self-Perception(24 comments)

Jun 08,2013 11:45 comment|38034|239770

Tanman: Firstly – Nothing about rasklnik's writing suggests indignation to me. Indignation is emotional and uncritical. Some people are conditioned to respond with “outrage” to certain topics or suggestions (like what you are doing now). That is indignation. Rasklnik’s writing is unapologetically critical. ... Full Comment>>

Samsara on news Insane Police Mix Up: Zhengzhou Police Mistake Female Officer for Prostitute (4 comments)

Jun 08,2013 09:33 comment|38025|239770

I guess Chinese police "men" love an opportunity to break into a house and punch women in the face. This is repulsive beyond belief. I don't even want to think about what happens to women when they're in police custody. Full Comment>>

Samsara on Samsara 's blog Chinese Self-Perception(24 comments)

Jun 06,2013 17:53 comment|37980|239770

I just started reading your livejournal page (the Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object review). Excellent. Full Comment>>

Samsara on Samsara 's blog Chinese Self-Perception(24 comments)

Jun 06,2013 17:16 comment|37978|239770

Zen911 - This is an interesting response, and you should write an article about it. I think that the crippling ideological restrictions and enforced ignorance brought about by Communism play a much greater role in Chinese perceptions than the older history of colonial exploitation. Your assumption about ... Full Comment>>

Samsara on Samsara 's blog Chinese Self-Perception(24 comments)

Jun 06,2013 16:09 comment|37973|239770

Rasklnik - This should have been its own blog. Full Comment>>

Samsara on news 10 Ridiculous Reports Published by Chinese Media Recently(6 comments)

May 28,2013 21:54 comment|37660|239770

This article made my day. It should be a regular column. Full Comment>>

Samsara on news Foreign Man Jumps to Death After Fight with Chinese Girlfriend in Shenzhen(5 comments)

Mar 10,2013 16:00 comment|36056|239770

So he "fell to his death" and then "police rushed to the scene"? I suspect those things happened in a different order. Full Comment>>

Samsara on news Runaway Vietnamese Wives: Chinese Husbands Search for Missing Spouses(13 comments)

Mar 10,2013 14:58 comment|36055|239770

"Some experts have suggested that cultural differences, language issues, and feelings of insecurity are perhaps partly to blame." Experts from other countries would also mention that women don't like being beaten. The article goes to great lengths to suggest the men were honourable, devoted, loving ... Full Comment>>

Samsara on news Sanya Nudist Beach: A Sign that Traditions are Fading?(7 comments)

Mar 10,2013 14:15 comment|36054|239770

"The influence of traditional thinking is never too far away, as there are never any women here." To be honest, I don't think "traditional thinking" is keeping women away. Being surrounded by middle-aged Chinese men may have something to do with it though. Full Comment>>

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