Gracious116 Jun 24, 2020 01:15
For the past few months, The dangerous deadly disease "Coronavirus " has taken all over the world .We should continue to observe social distancing, sanitizing our hands with alcohol based hand sanitizers, washing our hands with soap under running water, covering our mouth with tissue when coughing, wearing our face mask in public gatherings. Also, boosting our immune system is another way to fight the Corina virus. One should take in fruits and vegetables regularly, and drink enough water to avoid being dehydrated. We should also report to hospital anytime we experience Symptoms such as Shortness of breath, Loss of appetite, Loss of smell, Cough, Fatigue and any Health related issue to the Health Practioners, Before it gets too late.Stigmatization is "Suicidal" Do not Stigmatized people who tests Positive to the Virus or suffering from the virus.Your Stigma might stop them from going for a test! Show them much Love , to make them feel secure. Stay home regularly , if you have nothing doing outside. If you feel bored at home during this lockdown, read books, write articles, do some artworks, participate in debates with friends online, Learn or make some research online, watch movies on YouTube, listen to music's, play games, learn baking of pastries, assist your kids with lessons(If you have one), pamper your partner(If you have one).If you happen to lose your Job during this pandemic , Why don't you become your own boss by setting up a Business of your choice.You can start an online business and earn a living. CORINA VIRUS is Real! Million's of people have Lost their lives in this Global Pandemic.Do not fall a Victim! Please Stay Safe and avoid the spread of the deadly Disease ! Let's Fight it Together! Our Lives are very Important!

Tags:Health & Environment