What causes gingivitis and periodontitis?

What causes gingivitis and periodontitis?
brightsmile Mar 28, 2019 14:41

Gingivitis and periodontitis may seem strange to some people, since many have no idea about them, and think they have nothing to do with us. On the contrary, such diseases are existing right around us, and more seriously, each of us is likely to get periodontitis. How could that be possible? You may not take it as true. Then let’s take a look at it below.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of soft tissues (gums) around the teeth. The symptoms of gingivitis include swollen, bleeding and tender gums. If left untreated, it will damage the teeth and alveolar bone, resulting in periodontitis.

  1. Main causes of gingivitis and periodontitis are listed below:
  2. Poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis is caused by bacterial growth encouraged by plaque, calculus and food debris;  
  3. Gingivitis is common during the dental transitional period and the pubertal period, as children’s oral hygiene is difficult to maintain during the transitional period, and the sex hormone fluctuates significantly during puberty;
  4. Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy tend to cause gingivitis and periodontitis;

When the immune system is weakened, oral bacteria like spirochete will multiply to cause severe gingivitis, and even necrotizing ulcer and gingivitis that are life-threatening.

The danger of gingivitis is not only limited to physical pain or bloody gums, if left untreated, it will interact with periodontitis as both cause and effect, forming a vicious circle.

  1. How to treat gingivitis and periodontitis
  2. Remove plaque and calculus. Sandblasting and ultrasonic cleaning can do the work. If the inflammation is severe, scrub, wash and gargle your mouth repeatedly with 1% hydrogen peroxide solution and Compound Gargle Solution Chlorhexidine Giuconatie. In the case of acute gingivitis, you can take antibiotics as per the doctor’s instruction.
  3. Maintain good dental health habits and go for dental check-ups regularly. If the severe gingivitis is accompanied by gingival hyperplasia or deformity, the above treatment won’t work. Thus a surgical treatment should be resorted to.
  4. Keep good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing teeth every morning and night is basic routine to prevent and cure gingivitis; using mouthwash properly is good for oral hygiene; so do cigarette and alcohol cessation; eating vegetables and taking Vitamin is conducive to gum restoration. 

Tags:Lifestyle Health & Environment