What to keep in mind while building a team!

What to keep in mind while building a team!
j.weesaa Apr 11, 2019 13:04

What to keep in mind while building a team!

When starting a startup, the purpose is to do something which has not been done in the way now you are trying to do. A unique product/service or value proposition for the customer. Thus, there are some vital points to consider while building your team.

The first and maybe the most important one is being optimistic. While you are trying to create something out of nothing or in a unique and new way, it’s impossible to achieve your goal if you are not optimistic. An entrepreneurial mindset requires to think positive and go toward uncertainty. The soul of entrepreneurship is to go for challenges and uncertainty. The fear of failure and lack of confidence should not keep you from doing what you should do. They are the chains that keep you in a comfort zone with no hope to go further. if your team members are not optimistic, you will not go anywhere with them but from zero to zero.

The second point is to tell yourself and your team that things won't work always. There are a lot of times you do something and you have to do it again and again in a different way until you get the right result. I believe most of the startups should consider 'try and see' model for seeing if things work or should be changed. I have witnessed that in China and believe this will work especially in developing and underdeveloped countries as there are not certain paths to follow to guarantee standardization or success of a process like developed countries. That said, you should always try. If you wait for the perfect solution you will never get it from the sky. You have to search for it by doing and doing even if they are not right, but they will lead you to the right solution.

Thirdly, a team should be clear about the details of what you are doing, what you want to do next and how. Information is the key and everyone should have access to them equally. Make things simple and understandable. All the ideas and thoughts you have in your mind won't be delivered to your team member minds by itself if you don't write them down in details and with clear graphical charts or images. Remember not to make things complicated. You should do it carefully. Summarized and short but comprehensive.

Finally, it is very important to have an organized team and organization if you want to achieve big things. Deadlines, what everyone wears, how the environment looks, office rules and all small things about being organized matters in a certain amount. They will give confidence that what you are doing is important and meaningful which requires professionalism.

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