Most annoying things on Wechat

Most annoying things on Wechat
jamiedf Sep 01, 2015 13:10

1. Lists : Now im no writer just a guy who uses wechat to chat with friends but everyday i just get so annoyed that i'm compiling my own list to hit back.

Below are actual articles posted on wechat:

Tips on taking a taxi in China, erm.... Stick out you're hand tell or show the taxi driver where you are going then pay. Easy!

Survival tips for getting through valentines day in china, erm... find a date or just get drunk. better yet who cares!

Top jobs for foriengners in China, erm... i think we all know that one. Bus driver!

these are just some examples.

Thinking of adding my own, what do you think?

1. Three steps to wiping you're arse in China

(let me know you're ideas)

2. 4 ways to turn off the lights.

  Take a baseball bat to all the lights, buy a monkey to do it, karate kick the switch, play a drunken game with Qingdao bottles to see who can hit the light switch first.

(again let me know you're ideas ...)

So now i have joined the rest of the wechat warriors and become a writer, im quitting my job, putting some baggy pants on and giving up the booze for juice. Now i'm heading out to go find myself. see you in a few years after i have written my award winning novel or i may just be sat in a bar still complaining about lists.

P.s just to make this list complete i'm adding 2 and 3 and leaving 4 and 5 for you to fill in.

2. Lists

3. Lists



Tags:Expat Rants & Advice