More cars and more pollution

More cars and more pollution
YangChu Sep 17, 2014 14:15

Today I just read this in the news :
深圳离400万辆机动车还有多远 很可能只有两年半了.

It is terrible how cars are a status symbol in China ( and asia as well )

I just wrote an article here :

It is time for the worlds leaders top wake up.

No longer let the Fossilfuel industrys money dictate our climate.

In my local news Shenzhen news I found an article today that

tell how many new cars the city expect within short time.

It is terrifying......

This make me think about the climate conference that was held

in copenhagen some years ago.

I actually is from Denmark and I was at the climate conference in 


I still have a lot of pictures and writings fom the conference.

Today it is like the world have forgotten that we actually have a big problem.

Please read my article here.


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