The Futurist

The Futurist
DJermano Nov 22, 2013 12:14

Everyone is wondering about the future. They ponder the newest invention that will change people’s lives. The lives of course are those who have the use of criminally made money and therefore acquired investment power to implement that which will make them more profitable.


Whether it is a new process or system, or a means to scientifically heal the environment, in which new energy methods throw out the so called rules of Physics; the truth is that those whom are in power by the Crimes they supported want to control that new Energy Resource.


The United States has caused and done some serious Crimes and Mistakes. Have they ever paid for their Illegal War in Vietnam. They certainly won’t be making any reparation payments to Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya when even Kofi Anon said they were illegal.


They continue to use their propaganda machine to steer the unknowing into their control, as they maintain their lies and deceit in concern to 911. The very case in point and fact is China, whom they fear will one day gain and control the resources in and around the Caspian Sea, where the United States wanted to route an oil/gas pipeline via Enron and Unical from there through Afghanistan.


Emphatically, this is the real reason they staged the 911 attack that killed thousands of American Citizens in order to get US Government War Support Funds under the threat of terrorist extremists, to declare the war on terror.


This was so to put in order and in place the occupation of Afghanistan to block China leadership, to kowtow to America and its lies. It was done with coldhearted calmness.


The United States Government did 911, and although they will constantly deny this, there is too much proof against them. The point is where is the rule of law? Obama will never talk about this, because he in fact is the cover up.


The United States Government has an ongoing fear, they will be brought to Justice, but they have no idea how that will transpire.


The latest revelations from Edward Snowden and the NSA Spying is in fact their satellite antenna to the world, as they continue down the road of extortion, lies, and the on going debt trap, they have made people to believe it is a normal and legitimate means to run a country and economy.


Everyone knows that Germany has banned the use of Nuclear Power to generate Electricity in Germany. This is the reason Angela Merkel had her phone tapped, by the American Government NSA in recent News. They know if Germany has the ability to create a new Energy System, then it means America will lose out, because it has been America and France whom have exploited the Nuclear Process and extorted trillions from the World Nations and Citizens. They do not want Germany to succeed, given the millions of people the US and Allies have killed along that Nuclear Development process.


Justice does have a way of coming into being though. The recent US Government shut-down is a clear signal that the US is and has always been in a financial quagmire, because of their arrogance of high debt, while saluting their national agenda to always increase it evermore.


The point is since through the years of watching constant rising American debt, why any real terrorist would want to disrupt that, knowing that in time, the American House of Cards will inevitably crash without them even lifting a finger of discontent.

 I remember those words that still echo in our consciousness. “Terrorists are trying to take away our freedoms.” Yet who shut down the American Government? The US Government will never claim they did. They simply blame the other party. The deceased so called boogey man Osama Binladin never had so much luck, to have American Politicians help him shut down the American Government, as in recent times. This is proof enough that American Politics itself is an Organized Terror Network, and so called foreign terrorists are mere scapegoats roaming the hills and living in caves.


The so called Obama pivot in Asia is about the fact they encircled China, by invading their neighbor Afghanistan. Now the Obama Administration is supporting CRI, China Radio International, in which they use this News Organization and Correspondents, People In The Know: to broadcast their propaganda. The most recent broadcast was a show on how Chinese Students and Investors are sending billions of investment dollars to the United States. They are using this to promote Chinese dollars to flow to the United States where the US gains control of China investment yuan RMB.

This is so the Chinese will not take/make their own investment initiative to invest in Western China and into their regional frontier to tap into the highly potential Economic Boon that has again been hijacked by American intervention. You will never hear an American Diplomat suggest China build the pipeline through that region in their cold hearted calm persona.

America uses Russia to bring them into the WTO, by encouraging them to keep China contained by making China buy Russian Oil. Sell China the oil from Russia, and the US will bring technology to Russia. This gives America the ability to control China by having their money routed to the USA and keeps China from investing in their Western Regions. Foremost to keep them from making advances in tapping into the Oil and Gas located in the Caspian Sea.


It is even more apparent now since Chinese investors lost so much money after the Libya fiasco. This is when the US made a deal with Libya’s Qadaffi to end his nuclear program, and when he agreed, the US under the mask of The UN still invaded them. One wonders how the Syrians would fall for the same trap!


Think of all the Oil and Gas they have available from the Caspian Sea Wells. China is friends with Afghanistan Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran, whom are the major countries involved in making and bringing that Oil and Gas to use in the region.


The problem is of course the pollution, and problems in expanding the Oil and Gas use. Oil/Gas resources are on the decline; while Global Warming and Environmental Degradation is on the rise.

The Caspian Region is one of the last remaining big untapped reserves, and when that is gone, we are going to do what?

 Rely on Nuclear and Coal? There certainly are better choices, and better than the limitations of Solar Power, and Wind Power.

 My recent invention The Flying GEM-G produces clean non polluting 24 hour nonstop 100% electricity. It is the machine Germany and many other countries in the world have been dreaming about.


Not only does my invention produce Clean Infinite Electrical Energy it also produces Water, Air, and Hydrogen. As one knows, when hydrogen is burned as an energy resource, it turns back to water again. Think of the many benefits to the environment in being able to tap into and use my invention in the world!


It can produce new air for the planet Earth. This means a way to make oxygen by being another process in helping trees make O2.


Also people can live in any so called hostile region in the world. This means being able to live in desert locations. When you have Electricity Water Hydrogen and Air you have life. You can grow your own food and be independent. The problem is bringing this unique invention to the world.


With the lack of trust, and legitimate political systems truly in place, how can there be a real Government National infrastructure for my invention, to then be controlled by Outlaws and Organized Criminals who claim to be the Government of The United States?


Or how can I trust any government who follows the Corrupt American Government China is case in point.


Since of course the American Political process covered up 911 which unfolded the death of millions of people and no legal justice has come from it in which lying  politicians are never held accountable how can the future be brought forward?


They spent billions of dollars to try and impeach President Clinton for having lied about a sex affair yet spend nothing and take absolutely –NO- legal action against documented lies from the Bush Administration during the 911 saturnine. Not to mention the lies concerning the Libya Invasion and violating the agreement they made with Colonel Qadaffi.

I know the future and have a marvelous wonderful invention that needs to be used but how can it be used when we are being exploited by Criminals who run the Governments of the World.


If the American Government will not prosecute its Criminal Politicians it means it literally has no rule of law and has no civil or human rights I am frustrated when I hear the US claims China has a terrible human rights record. Yet American Politicians will conspire and plot terrorist attacks and kill thousands of Americans, while blaming it on foreign terrorists.  This also includes the use of their Drone War Missiles that inevitably end the life of innocent civilians. Then they will send American troops to fight a concocted war, in which those troops will kill thousands if not millions of innocent people.


And when those murders were/are discovered and exposed, they threw Bradley Manning into Jail for treason, for telling the truth, and has now to serve a near life sentence while Robert Bales another soldier who massacred 17 innocent Afghan family members and admitted his crimes, does not face the death penalty.


We know America has no idea what it means to have human rights, when their entire Justice System is and has been a Fraud for the last 75 years.

 The US claims it supports Democracy and allowing the People to Vote but that did not happen when GW Bush was Selected by the Supreme Court whom are appointed members by the same Political Party America can’t even tell the truth about a real election process.


When it comes to Law and Justice you can be assured it is not meant to protect you or the average citizen but clearly setup to assure the interests of their Political Organized Corporate Crime Networks And China wants to invest in that type of system I find it hard to believe.


If the present American system continues to get away with it be assured they will hatch more and others in the impending Future. Obama has no idea what the word Change really means for America. It literally means reforming the entire Election, Financial, and Justice System.


The future is a result of what America has done and now refuses to amend . It is a Police State, with ever expanding Private Prisons and inmates across the American Continent. It believes in covering up horrible national crimes, spying on its citizens, to include other Countries National Leaders and putting its American people under the yoke of extreme National Debt.


Its Education System is also an unending debt trap, in which students spend half their lives paying it, to be trapped in paying for home mortgages, and car loans, under an economy that constantly loses jobs, because of its obscure National Economic Financial Indebtedness, where a citizen is forever paying into a National Debt, that can never be paid off. 


But I do have a way out of that as well. If only they would listen.


$ The Futurist


Embracing the Modern Age in the World still mired in its footprints of the past is more than a challenging endeavor. It is changing whether we want it or not. For some it is leaving the old ways of doing things, for the new. And for others leaving the new ways and going back to the old.


Whatever way, which way do we go, will surely be beneficial for those who think in common sense in the real world. The real World is suffering many pains. Pains so great that it is quite possible so called developed countries will become the same as undeveloped countries, stricken with unemployment and poverty.


One of the greatest problems we face is unending debt, and a system that was setup after WWI that created The Federal Reserve. The Fed, was started after WWI, with the design to control the money supply. That design was made to create indebtedness, and Fractional Reserve Banking. The Fed assures indebtedness which means they can make more and more debt.


If a Nation can not have repayment of their Debts by constantly claiming they can create more and more debt, they become obsolete credit lines. Credit is based on the ability to repay, not on the ability to create more and more debt. With Nations now with no new credit lines, they are forced to eke out a living through measures of Austerity.


The debt is so massive in the United States and Europe that it is literally impossible to pay it down. This means there is a boom going on now in unemployment. Banks have crashed because of Wall Street Trading Scams, False Accounting, Lying about Derivatives, Unpayable National Debts; and Fabricated LIBOR rating practices.


How can highly indebted Nations bail out: Too Big To Fail Banks, when they can't bail themselves out�


What needs to happen is to end The Federal Reserve� and Establish a World Credit Organization, called The WCO and SCO. We have the WTO, The World Trade Organization, but we have no Established Credit Organization that deals with the Financial Security of The WTO.


This Institutional Organization would Monitor and Regulate Credit of all Nations in the World, and with members of the WTO, World Trade Organization.


It's purpose or authority would not determine individual Nations Domestic Credit Abilities, but it would become the Authority of Nations who work together in Cooperation to buy each others debt, so they become debt free for a predetermined 10 year time frame. 


Buying another Nations Debt, does not mean that Nation has decided to pay off the other countries debts, because the other country is also buying their debt as well, as a means to helping each other eventually exit the debt traps they are in.


The WCO is: The World Credit Organization. It supports and Guarantees The SCO: The State Credit Organization.


The State Credit Organization is the New Organization that will replace The Age of Decline Federal Reserve. The WCO will be the SCO safety net. The SCO is for individual States in the United States to work in cooperation with each other to buy each others debt, during a 10 year time frame.


Presently Nations try to solve their debt crisis by means of austerity, or raising their debt ceilings. They may even credit themselves with more debt, in attempts to stimulate the market.

 But borrowing more money to stimulate the market is a waste of time, because the reason markets can't grow is because of no ability to pay down the debt. To Stimulate is like stepping on the gas peddle, making you go faster to fly off the cliff.


The WCO would be used for Nations to buy each others debt. A Nation can not buy debt from itself, to make it debt free. But Nations can buy each others debt to make themselves debt free. This is much different than Nations buying another Nations Bonds or Treasury Bills; because that only finances the others debt as IOU's.


By buying another Nations debt it makes the other Nation debt free; freeing them and making them open for new Lines of Credit Availability.


The WCO is put into action after the SCO has finished it's Credit Pairing of States and finished it's Credit buying. The reason that the SCO has an incentive to do their business, is because the WCO is the backup -Guarantee- that they can not go default and fail.


The SCO: State Credit Organization allows 2 States of their choosing to buy each others debt from each other through a 10 year repayment due process.


In other words say New York and California agree to Buy each others debt. They pair up and New York Buys California Debt; and California buys New York's debt. This now makes New York Debt free, and California Debt free.


The debt bought is not due and payable until after 10 years. It would be like buying a house and not making any payment, except the whole payment on a certain day 10 years from the time the loan was taken out. And it would be only .25 interest. That small interest would be used by the SCO to pay expenses of Operation, instead of relying on the Publics Tax System of Allocation .

 During the 10 year period the State Governments would agree to Austerity measures that would halt spending to allow their debt which was sold to their agreed buyerï¼�to reduce, decline or disappear.


The Private Sector would have new Credit Standing, creating jobs for the New Infrastructure in bringing forth The Modern Age.


At the end of the 10 year time frame, the States attend to their Accounting Budgets to determine the amount of reduced debt, tabulated from the imposed State Government Austerity Policy.


If determined low enough the State may go on it's own Credit Standing. If determined it needs another 10 year cycle; that State may pair up with another State and repeat the time table process. In other words, California could buy Utah debt and Utah would buy California debt. New York would buy Maryland debt, and Maryland buys New York debt.


This process would establish secure credit lines for each individual State, while assuring high levels of employment.


Once the SCO has begun writing credit for States to buy each others debt, the WCO initiates its broader Credit Guarantee by allowing Nations the same formula protection. The USA would now buy European debt. and Europe would buy US debt.


This will open the door for International Transactions that would allow the International Infrastructure to take shape and form. This would include the development of a Worldwide International MTR Speed Train, and Electric Freight Train Transport System; which would support World Tourism , the Trade of Goods and Services and provide Worldwide Environmental Protection.


The reason why we need to build long route speed trains�and freight train infrastructures�that link the major Nations in the world� is to develop on the ground real job and employment� The train services would provide the necessary transportation links in creating the necessary job factor for Employment in so doing to acquire the incomes toward paying down the debt and getting out of the trapped cycle�


Airline Industries do not provide such links� since of course they fly over everything�and their point of contact to society is only their destination areas only� This limitation means Airlines have less Employment Creation in a fractional sense�


Many jobs would be established, which would provide the necessary income revenue that would pay down or pay off National debts and deficits.


Before Europe can do this, their Individual Members would need a similar Organization like the SCO. Europe would administer the EMCO, or European Member Credit Organization.


They would follow the same described process as the SCO. For example: France would buy England debt, and England would buy French debt. They too would follow a 10 year loan period process.


Again those countries France and England would install Government Austerity to lower their debts, and have a clean slate toward Private Sector Job and Infrastructure Development, Credit Lines.

 Of course when the jobs are realized the Private Sector watches it's repayment cycle in concern to their new Credit Availablilty. They can not over extend credit, so they do not cause the same problem as the one they are trying to fix now.


So France for example buys England debt; as Italy would buy Greeces, and Greece buys Italy's. Germany would buy Spains debt, and Spain buys Germanys. All EU Members can decide whom to pair up with.


Once this begins the WCO can authorize US and EU Credit Loans following the same 10 year period process.


In effect we have a Credit available Economy, with Government Austerity Measures in place, and a 10 year Cycle Credit Bridge Guarantee to the Future.


And now that we have a solid Financial Credit Plan, in making financing available, we now have to decide what that financing will be used for. Many people in leadership roles, have no idea of how or what to do about making the future, or what it entails. In the following chapters , I will explain this.


The Futurist ***


What is the Future? And for that matter what do we spend the money on?


The future is our intellectual ambition to strive for the Modern Age. The Modern Age is seeking The Golden Egg. This is when we are all wanting to achieve for the betterment and most convenient prosperous means in attaining wealth, for living a long and healthy life.


We want it to be interesting, easy, accessible, and equal for all. In other words we don't want poverty. When Rich people ignore those whom want to make a difference because the Rich essentially prohibit, and prevent them; it causes division and fighting. The question is how can the Rich claim to be rich when the society they live is filled with poverty?


In our present circumstance in which in this year of our Lord 2014, we do not live in a Modern Age. It is apparant we are now in The Age of Decline. The Age of Decline is upon us, because the conditions of awareness were not really understood. The fact is mankind has never really known the Age of Decline. Some may compare it to the Great Depression as to what happened in the 1930's; but that is not a true comparison.


In the 1930's we did not have the same level of wealth as we have today to see it tumble into the Great Depression of 1930's. There was not the same Banking System, or huge debt; encumbering the Nations as they do today. We did not have the Military Dominance as we do today; in which the Atomic Bomb was not even invented then or yet.


Also Nations were just starting to learn the Economics of the Oil Business Consortium. The Auto Industry and Oil Consortium took control of the Energy Sector to manipulate and drive the Economy. And as the Economy grew the people in control of the Oil Consortium gained more wealth. Instead of using that wealth to promote greater freedoms for the Environment, and protecting declining Oil Resources, they inverted it toward achieving a Military State, where they used the Federal Reserve to create huge debt to fund their Military Ambitions, and making the Average and Less Opulent Americans to pay for it.


In their deceit the Rich claimed the Military protects the Average and Less Opulent American Interests. The question is? What interests do Average and Less Opulent Americans have?


They do not control wealth or allowed access to it. It is all a ploy by the Rich to assure their control over the people. The people are those who know that we are striving for the Modern Age. We can not do it, when the Rich actually stand in the way of it's development.


The Age of Decline is apparant because the debt and the expansion of the Military to assure the wealth of the Oil Consortium is no longer a solution but a major problem, and headache. Not only is the World suffering from Debt, but  the excessive use of Oil is choking out life from Smog filled polluted skies in all the major Cities around the World.


Not only are people dying of Cancer more these days because of it, but the actual resource of Oil is reaching its dismal end. The use of Oil and Coal has also contributed greatly to the pollution of all the Major Rivers in the Developed World, affecting our clean water supply.


The world is like a big bottle of Oil. We can drill and drill and take out as we want, but the reality is, someday that bottle will be empty. Just like the letter E of your fuel gauge on the dashboard of your car.


With this in mind, do you really think it makes sense for the Rich to have created so much Military debt to protect their Oil Consortium Wealth of Interests; when they ruin our air and water resources, while Oil resources are on the decline?


Just what is the thinking to protect empty Oil wells, and Polluted Cities? I will tell you. It's the Rich's blind greed that has pushed us all into The Age of Decline.


What is more chilling and scarey is when they use the Military, and kill thousands of innocent people to take remaining Oil resources from undeveloped Nations. This is what we call Criminal, Murder, Mayhem, and Plunder.


And the Rich justify their murder campaigns on the Political Basis, in which they claim they are bringing Freedom and Democracy to those Oil Rich Resource Undeveloped Nations. They would never go into a country that they assert has no Freedom or Democracy or Oil Resources.


So you can be assured, it is not Freedom or Democracy as the issue, but assuredly the false notion they have the right to take any Oil Resources from any Sovereign Foreign Country and claim it as their own essence of life.


Thinking that the Modern Age will be based on an Oil Economy is like thinking the Age of Decline is the Pot of Gold at The End of the Rainbow.


The Modern Age is stepping out of the Oil Wells going dry, and focusing on an Energy Sector that can provide unlimited energy; and energy that does not pollute. Nuclear Energy is Not part of or wanted in the Modern Age Tool Box.


This is where my invention the Flying GEM-G has been revealed to me, by the invisible hand of God.


This means there is a way to produce electricity as our new Energy Sector Power Source without polluting, or going down the path of Toxic Radioactive Nuclear Power Generation; waiting for a Sinkhole disaster or earthquake of seismic size to happen.


The Futurist #


Just what is the Modern Age? Let me say this. Do you think the Oil Consortium has delivered society the Modern Age?


Has it brought us clean Air and Water?

Has it provided opportunites for all?


Has it really helped the Real Estate Market in Cities knowing when you live on the upper floors, you can breathe all that wonderful Smog into your lungs?


Do you enjoy the daily traffic jams, in which cars line up and down a road just sitting there idling away the gas fumes into the air, and are breathing sighs of relief when you move forward a meter or two? Do you enjoy driving into the City after sitting hours in a traffic jam to then find no place to park your car; so you end up driving around a block for another hour hoping to find an empty slot for your car to park in, and when you do; someone else cuts in front of you and steals the spot?


Is this the Modern Age the Oil Consortium is bringing us; such happy memories? And how about all that money you spend on Auto Insurance, and License Fees, and Taxes, not to mention all those road tolls you have to pay all the time?


And then consider all the automobile accidents that happen all the time on a daily basis, while being injured, and or killed while being rushed to the Hospital, to be cared for, or pronounced dead. Do you think this is the convenient Modern Age the Rich Oil Consortium has provided for us?


And then when you become; well thankfully missing your attendance at the County Morgue, you have to go to Court to take part in the Lawsuit filed against the guy who slammed into you.  Or you one day had to go to Court to fight a corrupt ticket for a speeding ticket, knowing you did not go over the Speed Limit, but a victim to a Police quota scheme initiated for bringing revenue into the City's Police Department.

Or how about putting up with the road rage of crazy drivers cutting in front of you, or stealing that parking space. Or putting up with people giving you the finger or waving a loaded hand gun at you on a busy intersection.


Is this the meaning of the Modern Age from the Rich controlled Oil Consortium?


But hey, the Modern Age of the Oil Cosortium gets even better when they claim, because one evening you park your car and the next morning setout to go to work, to find all your wheels were stolen off your car. Not only that but your driver window is smashed in, so thieves could steal your Auto Alarm System, and GPS Computer.


Then the Oil Consortium will claim life is not a bed of roses. I guess not when people get behind the wheel drunk and intoxicated to collide head on into a School Bus, killing all on board because the bus went over a steep embankment and caught fire from the collision.


And while we roll along daily with the Oil Consortium Modern Age View, we can remain victims to their constant gas price increases, stayed upon by the many Political excuses of OPEC and the staged Wall Street trading lies, explaining how free Markets establish prices being hiked, upward.


With all due respect; the Oil Consortium has not brought us the Modern Age, but has delivered us all to the Age of Decline.


How many more cars can we squeeze on the once known as a Highway; but has essentially become nothing more than a very long Parking Lot?

Do you think there might be a real reason why Chrysler Corporation a Big Car Manufacturer went down the drain? Do you think there might be a real reason why GM General Motors followed Chrysler down the same hole?


And if you really believe Barack Obama saved the Auto Industry you must really believe the Oil Consortium is the ultimate level of prosperity and happiness in their view of The Modern Age.


That is like thinking a mosquito is the happiest in it's time of life, when swatted and vaporized by an Electric Bug Swatter, then miraculously resuscitated with an IV infusion of human blood .


The Modern Age to the Oil Consortium means the Rich people who control the US Government and it's Military Industry think they have the right to decide the fate and behavior of all other Foreign Governments.


Let's be clear; since I know that 911 was an American Secret Government Inside Job in collaboration with the Israeli Government, I know that they have a deep misunderstanding of the Quest and meaning for The Modern Age.


At first they claimed it was a War on Terror; then it was a War on Saddam and Iraq; then it was a War on Alqaida; then it was a War on Osama BinLadin, then it became a War on Muslims, then it became a War on Islamic Fundamentalist, and a War on Syria, then Iran and North Korea. We are now waiting and still anticipating who the next group will be to declare war on.


Maybe it will be The Catholic Church, because of the accusations of Child Abuse by Priests. Where are the drones targeting Cathedrals around the world? (Maybe this is the real reason Pope Benedict Ratzinger abdicated or resigned.)


But if this was true, why hasn't this been a problem with the women of The Catholic Church, namely the many Sisters, and Nuns of the Catholic Church?


In any event, it is clear the Oil Consortium will do anything and say anything to try and convince the naive people to stay in line to their Age of Decline.


Wisdom dictates that the Evils we have today certainly have been with us throughout the Ages of Mankind. Sin has been the stain and also a real link to the understanding of The Age of Decline.

  The Futurist +


Getting Rid of Mortgages and Rent and replace them by buying Housing Shares and Stocks


The Modern Age will begin to understand the false rally behind the Reality of Home Ownership in the Developed and Developing World. Many people want to buy homes, and their intentions are not about living in those homes, but about being able to sell it in order to make unsubstantiated profits.


These people only want to increase the value paid to support the inflated worth of a house, that really now becomes nothing more than a used home.


Banks offer Low or no Interest on Loans to encourage people to take out loans from their banks to buy Real Estate. Why?  Because it is really a Banks plan to control the Real Estate and their Prices in any given City or Region.


They don't care if people can make the monthly Mortgage Payments. In fact they know people can not make the payments. Now the bank can repossess the home, and later resell it, also at a higher price. They just get another person to take out another Loan and refinance it from their Bank again.


Banks are only interested in acquiring Real Estate, and creating false value of homes in Cities around the world.


The value of Real Estate is found by accounting the actual cost when it was built. How much did it cost for the materials and labor ?


Time should also be a factor of value, but not when houses are Constructionally Completed, and then have developers refuse to sell the Flats, and hold them forcing the value of their worth to rise, claiming less supply on the market forces greater demand, to justify higher prices.


This is Fraud, that is passed onto less opulent buyers who are used by the banks to process Low or Zero interest Loans, with the foreknowledge intent they will repossess the homes in the near and coming future.


In reality home values should not increase dramatically, to claim it is about Low Supply and High Demand, because it is not a legitimate claim. If that was the case; the entire world  population could say they want a home in a certain City like Hong Kong that makes prices go up; but we know that is not true, when phoney demands are fabricated.


People are not rushing into a certain City causing Flat Prices to increase or go up. In Hong Kong the Hong Kong Government who is controlled by the Banks say this simply to falsify their Bank Loan Holding Assets Worth.

 Even China in Beijing knows this, or they would not put limits on Mainlander Passports coming to Hong Kong. Mainlanders can stay only 7 days to visit Hong Kong. They are not allowed to migrate into Hong Kong from China Mainland.


This proves Hong Kong's claim that housing demand is not increasing, and so Prices legitimately can not go up, on that basis.


When people buy a home it should be about wanting to live in the area. It means they have a job, or business that serves those people who live in that area.


Establishing the buying of homes by people in society, working in jobs from 9-5, has proven to be false. The reality is that people are never able to keep their jobs for the protracted time frame of the loans they must pay back to the banks.  To think you will stay with your job for 30 years is and was the greatest hoax on society.


Used property should not increase in value. Things used always reflect the depreciation or becoming old effect. This downward curve only goes up after a number of years in important Cities that have 100 year old homes; where Olden Age properties acquire Historical Relevance in concern to the heritage and beginnings of that City's Modern Age Development, during those Olden Times.


When people buy a house 4example:  for 1 million HK dollars, and they live there for 10 years, they should not be able to say it is worth 2 million HK dollars now. According to the Natural Laws of Material Depreciation, it is worth a lesser value of 1 million HK dollars.  Actually there is a yearly percentage rate of depreciation that calculates the appraised value of Real Estate Property. That rate is based typically on the rate of interest rates placed upon loans in borrowing money.


Given the structural material depreciation of things like comparing old clothes to new clothes, we have to admit that Real Property in time; depreciates, not increase in value.  The truth is always the truth.


The Modern Age follows the Natural Basis of Truthful Principles.


In todays world with tall skyscrapers where people live, its clear home ownership is not a good investment toward living in a State of Prosperity and Wealth. People rely on the forged inflated value of Property. Doing so, puts unsustainable upward pressure on Banks, until they collapse, because they have more property going into default and can not find legitimate replacement buyers, to support the inflated prices.


Banker CEO's are also always worrying about prices going too high, with the fear the Government will put a stamp tax on loans to discourage lending and buying. When this happens they then fear prices plunging which devalues their investments, and essentially making their home investments worth less money than the Loan taken out for the Mortgage. This is called being upside down on the Note.


In the present Age of Decline where we live on false value and phoney mortgages, where we think it is our sales and personality abilities that makes the Real Estate Market tick; the Banker CEO's and Ordinary Honest People live daily with no simple clear cut Entry and Exit Value Worth Format to hinge or base their Real Property Wealth Objectives on. 


It's an I don't really know, so I will just say my home investment is worth more than when I bought it.

Therefore The Modern Age will usher in the fact that owning homes is essentially a waste of time in speculative wanting and wishing, incurring the manipulation of Bank Loans and Repayment Schemes.


Who needs the headache! Not you or me!


One clearcut means is to consider humans are always on the move, and need a speedy transaction so they can move to their new home.


Why think you can only make Big money by buying and selling Real Estate?  Buying and Selling Real Estate in reality should be as easy as selling your stocks on the Stock Market.


The Modern Age foresee's this and has in place a better means to living while recognizing peoples transportation and living requirements. It is a way to make money, and live in beautiful homes in different places in time around the world.


You can live in a different home every 3 months according to International Visa and Passport Standards. Or buy the Living Stock Option that has time levied choices, of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or every year�or more.


It is called buying Living Stock Options, where instead of buying Real Estate and a Home you buy Living Rights in the form of Stocks and Shares with a Housing Company that promotes Living in the Spaces they have created in different places around the  world.


These places are very Modern with all the at Home Conveniences you can think of. You are not tied to a Bank Mortgage, or tied to some local Government tax scheme. 

It is similar to living in a Hotel but better, because the places you live are the size of homes, where you obtain the right to live in, because you bought a Living Stock Option.

This idea can also work with Hotels, by buying stocks from the Hotel, when you come to stay. This means you can stay at the Hotel for a predetermined time, and when you leave, you still retain and keep your stock. You have just added another small stockshare to your building Stock portfolio.   


When you want to live in a house, new or used, there would be no loan packages, which means no repossessions, or fears about Banks intentions, and solvency difficulties.


Your living stock option, affords you to be able to travel anywhere in the world and live at any of the Company sites they have established.


As you live there, your stock gains value, and that value can pay you monthly living expenses.


Instead of you making a monthly payment for your Mortgage or Rent you receive a dividends check each month from the Housing Corporation where you bought your stock/shares. You make money by living in your home. You always retain your stocks and shares unless you want to sell them. They can be transferred to another house depending on your time frame for living there, or when you want to leave.


Consider how much easier it is to sell shares and stocks than selling Real Estate.

In our day and time�most people use the Stock market to trade�by buying and selling shares to Corporations and Businesses�Everything revolves around this�except the Housing Market�This is the dysfunction that needs to be corrected in society�

We should not own homes�but buy stocks and shares to live in them. In the long run you will make more money, and so will the Banks.


Homes will retain their stock value instead of a Real Estate value because by selling or buying in Stocks and Shares the housing market becomes connected in a sense of Stock Market Worth instead of appraisal locational worth. 

Banks who have present Mortgages can transfer those assets into Stocks and Shares�Banks can issue stocks to their clients after they transfer the value from the Mortgage into the Stock or Share.


Also a person can go to the bank and borrow money to purchase Stocks or Shares of a house you wish to live in. Each month when you get your dividend check it can be used to pay back the loan to the bank.


Banks are never held hostage to not being paid and forced to foreclose on a home, and repossess it. They never have to worry about selling it. They only thing they service is the selling and buying of shares or stocks of the property.


New Housing will continue to grow and more and more people will be able to afford living in a house knowing they now own valuable housing stocks.


Housing prices will not be falsely inflated according to their said appraised worth and people will not be using housing to make unsubstantiated false profits. This means more and more real communities will develop and people will begin to prosper.


The Modern Age with its ability to now pay down its massive debts and have the new infrastructure for the Speed and Freight Trains will create many new and long term jobs and employment. This will only make living in Stock Option Homes more appealing while you now support the traveling industry and given the freedom and luxury to be and live where you want.


In time this same Stock Share approach will and can be used for Private Businesses, so people have the freedom and speed to move to various locations for their business pursuits.


As far as investment property is concerned. That will become a thing of the past, since all people will enjoy the ability to acquire their own Stocks and Shares, and live where they want. No big loss, in my estimation, because in broader wider view, society will become more wealthy, and the idea to rent will be a gone by Era. Renting, if you think about really means Rich people living off the poor, who could not afford to obtain their own home. But with this plan in using Living Stock Options, all people become rich.


This is all fine and dandy, to have the answers for our major problems. The question is will the United States Politicians do the right thing. Will they finally see the light, and move for positive change? Let’s just say: I will always be here to keep reminding you.


Dominic Jermano



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