How did they KNOW she was a prostitute. How did they KNOW what he had paid her? How did they KNOW he had had sex? A prostitute is a person like anyone else. what if the man was her boyfriend? Is she the ONLY prostitute in town? Is HE the ONLY customer? Full Comment>>

ANYTHING that adds COLOUR adds vital vitamins. Generally the Chinese diet does not offer sufficient variety in this context. Unfortunately, the students have been condtioned to accept there regular Bak Fan as the norm from childhood.It will not change overnight. Full Comment>>

"For most Chinese people, exceeding the one-child policy means a pretty hefty fine." I cannot speak for all of China. Using my own eyes the woman in the street here where I currently am have 2 to 3 children openly. I am in contact with many Government employees, and THESE are the ONLY ones following the ... Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news Photos of Female Math Teacher Teaching in Underwear Go Viral(18 comments)

Jun 04,2013 18:52 comment|37886|10835

Awwwwww...cmonnnnn...where's your Red Blood? Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news Photos of Female Math Teacher Teaching in Underwear Go Viral(18 comments)

Jun 04,2013 11:47 comment|37870|10835

I like her 3D Geometry, or was it 35B [?]...............and in her Trig class I may go off at a Tangent, but that is a Sine of the times............ Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news Poorly Parked BMW Spray-Painted with Insults by Angry Passersby (7 comments)

May 14,2013 17:34 comment|37263|10835

While I sympathise with the sentiments of the person who spray-painted, it is the beginning of the end. I have always admired China for their respect for property. In the West graffiti and scratching paint jobs is endemic. I HATE it. You cannot keep anything nice, and so there is no incentive to own a nice vehicle. Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news Man Flaunts Reckless Driving Online; Gets 12 Points & 2,000 RMB Fine(2 comments)

May 14,2013 17:27 comment|37262|10835

In hope you never see speed traps here. It leads to dismal driving. I know stretches of road in England that have a speed camera every half mile.... keep them away...please. Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news 3 Big Reasons Why It’s Still Worth Living In China(9 comments)

Mar 09,2013 19:46 comment|36040|10835

Is that a reason to go...or stay? Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news 3 Big Reasons Why It’s Still Worth Living In China(9 comments)

Mar 09,2013 09:45 comment|36034|10835

I suggest guest 901006 that you return to to Amerika and wait your knock on the door for re-education in FEMA. Lot more wholesome over there listening to the drones overhead and watching the beautiful chemtrails painting the sky while you wait for your door to be kicked in. Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news 3 Big Reasons Why It’s Still Worth Living In China(9 comments)

Mar 07,2013 21:00 comment|36011|10835

I am happy here. I do not envy anyone currently in the US, and I hear that the UK is very expensive; I also HATE the way the traffic is totally controlled in the UK. Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news 4 Japanese Tourists Trapped in Blizzard at Great Wall; 2 Dead, 1 Missing(2 comments)

Nov 07,2012 01:44 comment|33386|10835

Why did they die? How did one go missing? Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news Invasions of Privacy! Explaining the Issue of Personal Space in China(36 comments)

Nov 07,2012 01:18 comment|33384|10835

Foreign Guy : can you demonstrate an " incoherent step backward"...sounds like it might be fun! Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news Invasions of Privacy! Explaining the Issue of Personal Space in China(36 comments)

Nov 07,2012 01:15 comment|33383|10835

Gibson. I think that your comment is unnecessary, unproductive, uncouth and unrepresentative. Go back to bed. Full Comment>>

Bak2DFuture on news A Foreigner’s Guide to the New (Mandatory) Social Insurance System(101 comments)

Oct 28,2012 07:17 comment|33058|10835

Did all this go through? I have not heard a peep from MY Company. I STILL get my full salary Full Comment>>


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